Emma (Premium)
Äänikirja by Jane Austen
Rediscover Emma in this new, lively audio edition, narrated by acclaimed West End actress Kathryn Drysdale Looking to delve a little deeper into the treasure trove of Jane Austen's great works? Well, look no further. Austen's novel 'Emma' was revolutionary in it's narrative technique and brilliantly showcases the evolution of Austen's writings.In this brand new audio edition, acclaimed West-End actress Kathryn Drysdale deftly performs the quaint and playful story of a beautiful, rich and clever young heiress who, despite having decided never to marry, takes it upon herself to play cupid in her small home town. As it becomes evident that her self-proclaimed match-making skills are borne of delusion, Emma finds herself at the heart of several romantic misadventures. Emma herself however, is completely blind to the havoc she wreaks when meddling with other people's lives. It is a novel powered by the strength and dynamism of its brilliant ensemble of characters, as Emma's antics continue to lead herself and all those around her astray. Emma is a stunning novel which has also been adapted for screen several times, most notably the 2020 Film starring Anya Taylor-Joy. Kathryn Drysdale, known for her recent role in Netflix's period drama, Bridgerton skillfully portrays Austen's rich dialogue and multi-dimensional characters in this must-read classic.The audiobook is narrated by acclaimed West End actress Kathryn Drysdale.-
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