The Core - Better Life, Better Performance

The Core - Better Life, Better Performance

Äänikirja by Oskari Saari

Aloita maksutta
Success is a by-product of well-being. "To be able to focus and give your maximum, it is important to have the right people around you. Aki is certainly one of these people. He is honest, calm, loyal and independent... All characteristics that define an ideal working relationship." – Sebastian Vettel, a four-time Formula 1 champion The Core is a unique story from the top of the Formula 1 world, where Aki Hintsa, a Finnish F1 coach and a doctor, has for years guided drivers towards success, but more than anything, towards mental and physical wellbeing. Later, top managers and companies from all over the world have taken to Hintsa's model of holistic well-being, and now these groundbreaking methods are available to all of us. In this book, Hintsa gives practical guidelines on better performance and comprehensive well-being and tells his fascinating story from the African plains to the F1 paddocks and the highest level of business – a journey, which made him realise what is important in life. DR. AKI HINTSA (born 1958) is a specialist in Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, who worked for eleven years as a coach and chief medical officer at the Formula 1 paddocks. His philosophy is based on the idea of preventive measures, in other words, preventing ailments before they even occur. OSKARI SAARI (born 1975) is a producer and a non-fiction author, who has been an F1 commentator on Finnish TV since 2004. 
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