Love, Sex and Murder?
Äänikirja by Jens Soering
The Netflix series "Till murder do us part: Soering vs. Haysom" deals with the Haysom murders in detail, but the love affair between Elizabeth Haysom and Jens Soering comes up a little short. What was their relationship really like back then? How could Jens have fallen so deeply in love with Elizabeth that he was willing to get involved in a double-murder? Jens wrote about this years ago in A far, far better thing (Lantern Books 2017). While the focus of that book is on the murders, seven chapters have almost nothing to do with the crime. Instead, they describe the passionate early months of Elizabeth's and Jens's affair, as well as the five months they spent together on the run in south-eastern Europe, Asia and Great Britain. In this audiobook, Jens reads these seven chapters from A far, far better thing himself. This material is perfectly capable of standing on its own; listeners don't need to know anything about the murder case in order to be drawn into the romantic spell of the story. Was Elizabeth's and Jens's affair really just a nightmare of manipulation and deception? Or was it perhaps also, at least for a time, something beautiful?
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