Soothing Music For Sleep
Äänikirja by NEOWAVES - Soothing Music For Sleep
This audiobook contains 11 tracks with Relaxing Atmospheric Sounds and Soothing Music to create a relaxing sleep environment (each lasting 30-70 minutes). **** VARIETY OF USES **** The unique tracks not only help with easy sleep by blocking out noise, but also great for concentration on study or work. Perfect for babies, kids and adults. ***** WHAT YOU GET ***** Sounds in the best audio quality, recorded with state-of-the-art equipment and best spatial atmosphere. ***** HOW THIS PRODUCT CAN WORK FOR YOU ***** For a restful night's sleep, there are several phases you go through. With each phase our sleep gets deeper, our body becomes more relaxed, and our brain wave patterns slow down. We experience our deepest sleep phase when our brain enters the delta wave state. Delta sleep is the phase in which the body regenerates and rebalances itself for the new day. Getting enough sleep is therefore essential for a healthy, productive life. This program has been proven to increase delta wave activity in your brain. The program has already helped many people to find regular, restful, and revitalizing sleep. Listen to one of the soundscapes whenever you want to go to sleep. NEOWAVES is a pioneer in the field of audio-acoustic research. Numerous companies, health professionals, meditation groups, and individuals swear by the NEOWAVES audio programs and their spectacular soundscapes that stimulate our brain waves and put them into a state of deep relaxation.
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