All Of It
Podcast by WNYC
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Kaikki jaksot
6564 jaksotLaura Marling describes each of her records as a "time-stamped chapter of my life," with the latest one, Patterns in Repeat, being her first release as a new mother. She joins us to perform songs from the record live in our studio.
Just over 20 years ago, the first Modern Love [] essay ran in the New York Times. The column has since published thousands of essays, and Modern Love has grown to include a podcast, live performances, and more. Editor Daniel Jones and podcast host Anna Martin join us to reflect on what they’ve learned about love and the stories that have impacted them most, and we take your calls.
In 1997, Dylan Scholinski published the memoir, The Last Time I Wore a Dress [], which chronicled their time as a teenager being institutionalized and diagnosed with "Gender Identity Disorder." Scholinski, who is non-binary, writes about the treatment they endured while trying to be "cured" of their feelings about their gender. Now, the memoir has been re-released and updated with a new epilogue. Scholinski joins us to discuss the book, and their views on how trans issues and gender issues played a role in the 2024 election.
The new movie "Albany Road" tells the story of a New York executive (Renée Elise Goldsberry) forced to share a car with the mother of her ex-fiancé (Lynn Whitfield). On the ride, she discovers that the mother has been keeping a big secret. Whitfield and writer and director Christine Swanson join us to discuss the film, which premieres November 15.
This hour, we speak with a few of the artists selected for a new show at the Brooklyn Museum, The Brooklyn Artists Exhibition [], which displays work from over 200 local artists in celebration of the museum's 200th anniversary. Chitra Ganesh discusses her piece on view, "All the Farewells," and how growing up Brooklyn informed her artistic pursuits.
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