Beyond Getting In: Making An Inspired College Choice
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Beyond Getting In: Making An Inspired College Choice

Podcast by Carolyn Croom Baker

This show is for college bound students and their parents. There is lots of advice out there about how to "get in" to college, but "getting in" is only the beginning of the story. Discover how to make an INSPIRED college choice and choose the school where you will thrive, develop your talents and a place where you can become a best version of your best self. For more information visit or contact Carolyn directly at 

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Kaikki jaksot

8 jaksot
episode #8 Obtaining Financial Aid artwork
#8 Obtaining Financial Aid
Where can you find the money to pay for your inspired college choice? With the rising cost of college, getting financial aid is more important than ever. In this episode you'll discover tips for finding financial aid.
17. syysk. 2016 - 7 min
episode #7 Discovering Your Career artwork
#7 Discovering Your Career
Is it a waste of money to send a student to college if they don't have a clear vision of where they want to go with their career? Discover the answer in this episode.
03. syysk. 2016 - 7 min
episode #6 Are expensive colleges really worth the money? artwork
#6 Are expensive colleges really worth the money?
Does an expensive sticker price always mean you are getting a better education? What is really important in college choice?   For more information, visit []
20. elok. 2016 - 4 min
episode #5 Tips for keeping your campus mood in the joy zone. artwork
#5 Tips for keeping your campus mood in the joy zone.
Why are so many college students depressed? And how can you give yourself the best chance of enjoying campus life? Your college experience should be the best of your life. Take control and make it so.
01. heinäk. 2016 - 7 min
episode #4 Inspiration fuels greatness. artwork
#4 Inspiration fuels greatness.
Your Inspiration is your driving force for all good things. Discover the importance of inspiration in making the college choice that's right for you.
27. kesäk. 2016 - 6 min
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