Hidden Brain
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Hidden Brain

Podcast by Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. 

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521 jaksot
episode You 2.0: How To Say No artwork
You 2.0: How To Say No
Saying no to someone who asks for something is often easier said than done. Maybe it's a boss who wants you to take on a new assignment. Or your kid's teacher, seeking volunteers for a field trip. Or a friend who asks you to lend her money. How should we respond to these demands on our time, energy, and resources? This week, psychologist Vanessa Patrick [https://www.bauer.uh.edu/vpatrick/] explores why it's so hard to say no, and how we can set boundaries that will make it easier to do so.  If you haven't yet caught the first two episodes in this year's You 2.0 series, you can find them in this podcast feed, or on our website:  You 2.0: The Gift of Other People [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/you-2-0-the-gift-of-other-people/] You 2.0: Taking Control of Your Time  [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/taking-control-of-your-time/] Thanks for listening!
02. syysk. 2024 - 50 min
episode You 2.0: Taking Control of Your Time artwork
You 2.0: Taking Control of Your Time
Many of us feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. We struggle to make time for all the competing demands at work and at home, and inevitably feel like we're letting someone down. But what if there were a way to reclaim our time and, as a result, get more joy out of our lives?  In the second episode of this year's You 2.0 series, psychologist Cassie Mogilner Holmes [https://www.anderson.ucla.edu/faculty-and-research/marketing/faculty/mogilner-holmes] explains how we've fallen victim to the illusion of time scarcity, and what we can do to spend our time more wisely.  If you enjoy today's episode, check out last week's kick-off to our series, "You 2.0: The Gift of Other People."
26. elok. 2024 - 48 min
episode You 2.0: The Gift of Other People artwork
You 2.0: The Gift of Other People
Are you someone who strikes up a conversation with the person next to you on the train? Or do you keep your eyes fixed on your phone? Do you offer gratitude to friends and family? Or do you assume that they already know how you feel? This week, in the kickoff to our annual You 2.0 series, we talk with psychologist Nicholas Epley [https://www.chicagobooth.edu/faculty/directory/e/nicholas-epley] about our interactions with other people, and how we can make them more rewarding. If you enjoy today's episode, check out these classic Hidden Brain episodes:  A Secret Source of Connection [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/a-secret-source-of-connection/] How Others See You  [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/mind-reading-how-others-see-you/] Relationships 2.0: An Antidote to Loneliness [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/relationships-2-0-an-antidote-to-loneliness/]
19. elok. 2024 - 50 min
episode You're Not the Boss of Me! artwork
You're Not the Boss of Me!
Whether in your personal life or at work, you've probably experienced what it’s like to have people reject your requests. To be told that what you want is unfair, or heavy-handed. And you've likely been in the opposite position as well — pushing back against requests that step on your freedom. This week, we talk to psychologist Benjamin Rosenberg [https://www.dominican.edu/directory-people/benjamin-d-rosenberg] about how we respond to infringements on our sense of autonomy, and how we can avoid sparking this resistance in our interactions with other people.  If you know someone who would like today's episode, please share it with them! And if you enjoy our show, please consider trying a free seven-day trial of our podcast subscription, Hidden Brain+. If you use an iPhone, you can sign up at apple.co/hiddenbrain [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hidden-brain/id1028908750?ign-itscg=30200S&ign-itsct=hiddenbrain_podcasts]. If you use an Android device, you can find Hidden Brain+ at support.hiddenbrain.org [https://www.patreon.com/HiddenBrain]. Thanks for listening!
12. elok. 2024 - 53 min
episode The Cure for Self-Importance artwork
The Cure for Self-Importance
When we meet new people, we’re often drawn to those with a commanding presence or a dazzling personality. But it turns out that a very different trait — humility — is important in the long term. This week, in the first of a two-part discussion, we talk with psychologist Daryl Van Tongeren [https://hope.edu/directory/people/van-tongeren-daryl/index.html] about different kinds of humility, and how this overlooked quality can play a powerful role in workplace dynamics and romantic relationships.  If you like today's episode, be sure to check out part two of our conversation, exclusively for Hidden Brain+ listeners. We talk with Daryl Van Tongeren about existential humility — being open to the idea we might be wrong about life's biggest unknowns. It's the episode called "Asking the Big Questions." To listen to Hidden Brain+ with a free seven-day trial, go to apple.co/hiddenbrain [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hidden-brain/id1028908750?ign-itscg=30200S&ign-itsct=hiddenbrain_podcasts] or support.hiddenbrain.org [https://www.patreon.com/HiddenBrain].
05. elok. 2024 - 51 min
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