Koala Tots: Bedtime Stories for Toddlers
Podcast by Koala Kids & Starglow Media
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66 jaksotDon’t miss out on our 30-day free trial. You can join in just two taps on Apple Podcasts or visit https://koalatots.supercast.com [https://koalatots.supercast.com/] for Spotify and other players. ✨ Hey Parents! The holidays are the perfect time to add some cosy magic to bedtime, so this Christmas, we’re offering new members a 30-day free trial of Koala Tots Plus. With Koala Tots Plus, you’ll unlock exclusive compilation episodes ideal for helping little ones drift off faster, and stay asleep longer. Along with ad-free listening to all of our stories. We’re also releasing extra-cosy Christmas tales, with Koala Tots favourites Grandma Patty Cake, Snorf the Sleepiest Dinosaur & Kookai The Baby Koala. With Koala Tots Plus, you’ll get uninterrupted listening to all of our festive content, giving your toddlers a peaceful sleep amongst the busyness of the holidays.🎅 Koala Tots Plus is part of the Koala Kids+ Bundle too, so if you’ve got older kids, you can enjoy holiday episodes from Koala Moon and Koala Shine in one easy subscription! 👏 This offer runs from November 25th to December 9th- so act quickly! Sweet dreams 😴
Tonight, your little one can drift off to the story of a cuddly leopard, who wants to show that he CAN change his spots, despite what people say. With soothing rhymes, soft sounds and repetitions, your tots will sleep soundly through the night. Upgrade to Koala Tots Plus for uninterrupted ad-free listening, and access to bonus compilation episodes that will keep your little one sleeping all night long. It takes two taps ⭐️https://koalatots.supercast.com [https://koalatots.supercast.com/] Please hit follow and leave us a review. 💕 How are we doing with the show? ✨ Let us know [https://sleepiest.typeform.com/to/EkV9YF5K] Instagram 📸 @koalakids.fm [https://www.instagram.com/koalakids.fm/?hl=en-gb] Tiktok ⏰ @koalakids.fm [https://www.tiktok.com/@koalakids.fm] Narrated by 🎙 Abbe Opher Original Music 🎶 Sokratis Seirlis
To unlock this episode, join Koala Tots Plus via Apple Podcasts or using this link https://koalakids.supercast.com/ [https://koalakids.supercast.com/] 🐨🩷 Tonight, enjoy this extra long compilation episode so your little one can sleep all night through. With soothing rhymes, soft sounds and repetitions, your tots will sleep soundly through the night. Upgrade to Koala Tots Plus for uninterrupted ad-free listening, and access to bonus compilation episodes that will keep your little one sleeping all night long. It takes two taps ⭐️https://koalatots.supercast.com [https://koalatots.supercast.com/] Please hit follow and leave us a review. 💕 How are we doing with the show? ✨ Let us know [https://sleepiest.typeform.com/to/EkV9YF5K] Instagram 📸 @koalakids.fm [https://www.instagram.com/koalakids.fm/?hl=en-gb] Tiktok ⏰ @koalakids.fm [https://www.tiktok.com/@koalakids.fm] Narrated by 🎙 Abbe Opher Original Music 🎶 Sokratis Seirlis
Tonight, your little one can drift off imagining a magical tractor ride, through beautiful fields dotted with sheep. With soothing rhymes, soft sounds and repetitions, your tots will sleep soundly through the night. Upgrade to Koala Tots Plus for uninterrupted ad-free listening, and access to bonus compilation episodes that will keep your little one sleeping all night long. It takes two taps ⭐️https://koalatots.supercast.com [https://koalatots.supercast.com] Please hit follow and leave us a review. 💕 How are we doing with the show? ✨ Let us know [https://sleepiest.typeform.com/to/EkV9YF5K] Instagram 📸 @koalakids.fm [https://www.instagram.com/koalakids.fm/?hl=en-gb] Tiktok ⏰ @koalakids.fm [https://www.tiktok.com/@koalakids.fm] Narrated by 🎙 Abbe Opher Original Music 🎶 Sokratis Seirlis
In tonight's baby bedtime story, we're going to soar off on a magic carpet ride with Mango the Sleepy Monkey, through the starry night. With soothing rhymes, soft sounds and repetitions, your tots will sleep soundly through the night. Upgrade to Koala Tots Plus for uninterrupted ad-free listening, and access to bonus compilation episodes that will keep your little one sleeping all night long. It takes two taps ⭐️https://koalatots.supercast.com [https://koalatots.supercast.com] Please hit follow and leave us a review. 💕 How are we doing with the show? ✨ Let us know [https://sleepiest.typeform.com/to/EkV9YF5K] Instagram 📸 @koalakids.fm [https://www.instagram.com/koalakids.fm/?hl=en-gb] Tiktok ⏰ @koalakids.fm [https://www.tiktok.com/@koalakids.fm] Narrated by 🎙 Abbe Opher Original Music 🎶 Sokratis Seirlis
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