Sword and Scale
Podcast by Sword and Scale
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Kaikki jaksot
303 jaksotFlorida fire-fighter, Derrick Dorsey came home from work to discover his wife Kim dead from an apparent suicide. Then the police declared her death a murder and began exploring connections the Dorseys’ had with less than reputable people. But they quickly learn that not everyone is who they seem.
In the rare moments where love and fate converge, Reggie and Carol Sumner uncover a decades-old romance after years of being separated. Just as they begin a new life together in Florida, tragedy strikes them both, leading them to their darkest hours. When they turn up missing, their frantic daughter living in another state sets out on a quest for their return and discovers that time is running out.
Konrad Imirowicz wasn’t a perfect father by any means. He was an alcoholic with a messy home, but he loved his kids, especially his eldest daughter, Megan. But when Konrad was found nearly dead on his couch, no one could have expected it was his beloved child who was to blame.
In the early morning hours of July 31st, 2022, many teens in Strongsville, Ohio were sleeping off the previous night’s rowdy graduation parties. 17-year-old Mackenzie Shirilla, 20-year-old Dominic Russo, and 19-year-old Davion Flanagan were trapped in a mangled car wreck. When daylight finally illuminated the carnage, everyone assumed the crash had been the result of teenage drunk-driving. The more the police investigated, the more questions arose. What started off as a tragic accident quietly evolved into a murder investigation.
In April of 2015, two young women in Indiana went missing. They lived nearly 200 miles away from each other and seemed to have no connection at all. The only similarity they shared was that one was expecting to have a baby and the other had recently given birth. Tragically, after family members frantically searched for both women, their respective stories ended with only one of them being found alive.
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