The David Ghiyam Podcast
Podcast by David Ghiyam
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Kaikki jaksot
16 jaksotDavid introduces episode 10 by delving into key concepts, focusing on the Malchut dimension and the expansion of desire. He discusses how to apply spirituality in business and the importance of effort in achieving goals. The episode offers insights on managing focus, setting priorities, and maintaining balance in life. David emphasizes the necessity of balancing personal effort with spiritual surrender, highlighting the importance of protecting manifestations to realize one's potential.
David delves into the concept of certainty and its impact on consciousness, offering strategies to overcome challenges with a steadfast mindset. He shares insights from successful founders, exploring different forms of success and the crucial role of certainty in vision and manifestation. The episode examines the origin of desires and how spiritual work intertwines with certainty. David addresses the dual nature of jealousy, guiding listeners on navigating its positive and negative aspects. A case study provides a practical example of certainty in action, illustrating its transformative potential in real-life scenarios.
David introduces the concept of spiritual challenges and growth, guiding listeners through the experience of tests and the journey of overcoming negativity. He explores the significance of consciousness shifts and the role of soulmate connections in spiritual evolution. The episode provides insights into managing emotions and recognizing spiritual triggers. David uses the metaphor of life's "dentists" to illustrate ego distractions and emphasizes the importance of letting go of negativity to lead a life filled with ease and light.
David begins by introducing this week's energy, drawing on Rav Ashlag's wisdom to provide insights into fulfillment through the soul and building a lasting vessel. He discusses the concepts of free will and the pitfalls of forcing outcomes on the spiritual journey. The episode delves into a spiritual approach to career and relationships, highlighting Kabbalah's guidance on decision-making and detachment. David emphasizes the importance of certainty, avoiding perfectionism, and maintaining spiritual health.
David explores the essence of spiritual growth, highlighting the transformation and stages of light revelation. He discusses completing the spiritual cycle and understanding free will, emphasizing the journey to the highest realm and the illusion of regression. Mistakes in spiritual work are embraced as learning opportunities.
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