UBS On-Air: Market Moves
Podcast by Client Strategy Office
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Kaikki jaksot
224 jaksotOur series of year ahead conversations continue as Mike Gourd stops by the studio to outline the key messages and investment themes from the UBS Chief Investment Office that investors should be mindful of for 2025 (and beyond). Mike also introduces and explains the new Transformational Innovation Opportunities framework as a guide for investing. Featured is Mike Gourd, Asset Allocation Strategist Americas, UBS Chief Investment Office. Host: Daniel Cassidy
On this episode of Viewpoints, Burkhard shares expectations for the year ahead, across global regions. We also spend time reflecting on this year’s “roaring twenties” scenario - notably its’ impact to global growth and markets, along with its’ anticipated presence throughout this decade.
UK consumer and producer price inflation data for October leads today’s data calendar. The headline numbers will be distorted by the weirdness of UK energy pricing (despite large-scale renewable energy generation, gas prices determine what consumers pay). Bank of England Governor Bailey yesterday put some emphasis on service sector inflation, while advocating a gradual reduction of rates.
Financial markets had, perhaps, hoped that the next US treasury secretary would serve as a defender of free trade in the administration, and at least seek to minimize the severity of US consumer tax hikes. Media reports suggest that the search is being broadened, and commitment to the tax increases is being sought. The challenge of the proposed tariffs is not just the rate, but also the breadth (and the possibility of universal blanket tariffs).
On this episode of Viewpoints, Burkhard weighs the latest US inflation data, along with considers the potential impact of US-imposed tariffs (to nations such as China) to the US inflationary environment. We also calculate whether tariffs will ultimately pay for lower taxes in the US.
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