Instantly Stop Procrastination: 4 Powerful Concepts That Will Help You Effectively Complete the Tasks You Keep Avoiding

Instantly Stop Procrastination: 4 Powerful Concepts That Will Help You Effectively Complete the Tasks You Keep Avoiding

Lydbok av Patrick Drechsler

Procrastination is a growing problem. Everything is postponed until the last minute, whether it is addressing a critical assignment, studying for a test, or finally arriving at the workplace. Things are often postponed because the choices are so many that we lose sight of what is truly important. If you want to finally put an end to frustration, chaos, stress, and lack of motivation, this book is the ultimate guide. First, a solid understanding of all elements of procrastination is learned in an easy-to-understand manner, based on the most recent studies in personality development. This ultimately solves the issue of why procrastination happens in the first place, as well as what alternatives and countermeasures are accessible. The practical structure of the book takes into account the need for everyone to develop their personal vision at their own pace. 

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