Mindset of the Winners - The Big 4 in 1 Book for Unlimited Success in Life: Changing Habits | Setting Goals | Building Mental Strength | Stopping Procrastination

Mindset of the Winners - The Big 4 in 1 Book for Unlimited Success in Life: Changing Habits | Setting Goals | Building Mental Strength | Stopping Procrastination

Lydbok av Patrick Drechsler

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It feels like every day is the same and there is no way out in sight? Many people simply accept things as they are and think they have no opportunities for development. This is a mistake because success comes automatically when you work on your own personality. There are 4 fields in which the knowledge advantage will pay off with more life satisfaction and even in cash: 1 - Clarity through goals: Research shows that humans, who set vocationally and privately priorities and goals, are not only more successful but more content than those who wait for a lucky coincidence. 2 - Procrastination as an inhibitor of success: Studies have found that procrastination causes a lot of stress and frustration. If you're permanently pressed for time by procrastination, you won't get out of the vicious circle at all, and you'll miss valuable opportunities. 3 - Bad habits: Who doesn't know the feeling of always falling short of their potential? In fact, life has a lot more to offer when negative thought patterns are dissolved. When self-sabotage is stopped, your life will become limitless. 4 - Role models: A day has 24 hours for everyone. But some people use this time span more productively than others. This is not a talent, but the result of discipline and the right mindset. The good news is that the success strategies of top entrepreneurs and billionaires can be copied! Those who have settled into their comfort zone need to read no further now. But if you want to try to make more out of your life and your career, the anthology of Patrick Drechsler is the right choice for boundless success! A must-read for you, if you want to control your own destiny! 
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