Rewire Your Mindset

Rewire Your Mindset

Lydbok av Brian Keane

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Are you in charge of your life? Or are you being swept away by things that are seemingly out of your control? In Rewire Your Mindset, the bestselling author of The Fitness Mindset, shows you how to take control of your mental, emotional and physical world. If you have ever set a goal for yourself and then self-sabotaged the moment you hit it, let fear dictate what you do, been emotionally broken by a failure, lacked confidence and felt full of self-doubt or let negative people influence you, then this is the book for you. Listen to Rewire Your Mindset to: - Learn how to get the success your desire and the life you deserve! - Take 100% responsibility because then you can control and change your life - Decide exactly what you want to achieve then make it happen - Believe whatever you want is possible 
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