Tso Yellow

Tso Yellow

Podkast av Cindy Lin & Helen Lin

Tso Yellow is a weekly podcast about our experiences as female Asian-Americans, co-hosted by Cindy Lin and Helen Lin (we’re not related). We’ll share ...

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34 Episoder
episode S3 EP11: WE GRADUATED!! Post-grad life and beyond artwork
S3 EP11: WE GRADUATED!! Post-grad life and beyond

We officially graduated! (a year late but better late than never right?) It’s been a crazy past year but today, we wanted to take the time to reminisce about the good ole days of college and what we have planned for the future! Hope you enjoy 💛 And that’s a wrap on Season 3! Thank you to everyone for your continued support-- see you during Season 4 😊 ______ EMAIL US! tsoyellow@gmail.com CHAT WITH US! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter: @tsoyellow --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support [https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support]

07. juni 2021 - 54 min
episode S3 EP10: Responding to restaurant haters artwork
S3 EP10: Responding to restaurant haters

When was the last time you left a bad rating for a restaurant? For this week’s episode, we will be reacting and responding to bad reviews for our parents’ restaurants! Listen to find out what’s the most ridiculous reason for people leaving a bad review… (‘: Hope you enjoy! 💛 ______ EMAIL US! tsoyellow@gmail.com CHAT WITH US! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter: @tsoyellow --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support [https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support]

10. mai 2021 - 43 min
episode S3 EP9: Coming together as the AAPI community artwork
S3 EP9: Coming together as the AAPI community

In recent weeks, the news has been heavy. From the tragic Atlanta spa shootings to the countless attacks against our AAPI community, today we took time to honor the victims of the horrific spa shootings, as well as reflect on how these recent events have affected us. Hope you enjoy 💛 Please consider donating to the families of the victims in the Atlanta shootings at the links below: Memorial for Yong Yue and Peterson Family: https://gofund.me/c0d08ca8 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUp2UGwycEwxUWNZUF8yekd3c1M1bW9WbHNHZ3xBQ3Jtc0tscmg3M19IbmxmdlhEZFpwMWtTZkRtSl92cDU1eGw0M2prMW45MUI5bkZ3THVsN0hIOTVZbHFFTlpEVlc4X3h3RlBrUzNWaW94SXBZQUk5OHB5bnYxMlAwU2hJYmZKcWZ5SVpYSlIwYXh4ZmR1THg5MA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2Fc0d08ca8]​ In loving memory of Suncha Kim: https://gofund.me/b0a8d8ec [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa085TWlpOFdPRTh5WUFNUndENVV4RG1fMndpQXxBQ3Jtc0ttOXVsYngzTmdhaFcxZUl4eEgzQWx0VW84QTRFSVgzUEJtdGtVVURlTVlfeThZNmhvTEZEOV9GdzhLQVBSSjVOWDVpQ1RGS3RVZnJhWDRIeU0zSlJScVZFVk9TLTE3bUdCWFFFR2o2aG5aWVU5VUtoRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2Fb0a8d8ec]​ In memory of HyunJungKim to support my brother & I: https://gofund.me/6653b648 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0pUWkFUN1JhZE5ScWJZMThIRFJjbEktSFdDQXxBQ3Jtc0tuakY1eU9XQURRU3pBU1Rlb2kybmhuYUFZUlYwd3VEU1B1MkVOOWJzT0J1aXpOY1JBS0laUDgwLWFmRHdKZ0lNdG9IX0R0cWFsS09JYk9tVFRvUzRuRHdCcHhxWXRXMjhXTG83bG5aNXIweEpMcmsyRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2F6653b648]​ ATL Spa Shooting Family Survivor Fund: Jami Webb https://gofund.me/9a457b16 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHowZ2dtdTNoRG82QTFoVkZxamQyVzAyTUZqZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsT09MaXk5M3VZbFZlQTFUUEFZeW53XzZvNzJOY1czMmg5aU9Hdl9ONTNBVGFqLWtfUHo2Tm5lNV9rT0hTek5aV0RidndfOWtUNFpLYWxmMVd2ZGZuYXpKcFdKb3NjM0xxZ2l5RDcwMFFCb0hhN25adw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2F9a457b16]​ Atlanta Spa Shooting victim "Paul Michels": https://gofund.me/0dd50115 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2lZelVhaFgtZGpfUGVrSmlUQ1E3MTJuZzB5d3xBQ3Jtc0tuSUtKNmhIbzVGMmNEZXBaWlJTSDBna21sbVBnOWd0OGZFR1gxWk1mUlRFb1ViR3BEdWE5ZkgxT1hQR292RlcyUE50OEl4b01UT0JHSmh1SjE5VmlnajZuR0o0UzVISzVNV21jcEItM0VvSXUwQjlMVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2F0dd50115]​ Delaina Ashley Yaun Gonzalez https://gofund.me/3129d5b9 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkVRMjNRVW55NjJ2MkhHazE5bnYzd2ZTYmhxUXxBQ3Jtc0ttaU9uZUQzajlYNHh4N1g2SzdVckZWdU1fSFRyVC1qR05tS1NYeE55UGNsaDlDREFNMmo4ZmVhN19wbGtXZE9ndEMtbXVMS01tNFBfZ2pXZk42VGt0aHZBdUxwRTZ3Nlhrc25wYkhBekpJN0EtN3UtYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2F3129d5b9] For husband of Soon C Park, victim of spa shooting https://gofund.me/2f5c69b2 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUNLRUpETlpxSm1OWnVvUGtrZms2bENjOV9VUXxBQ3Jtc0trR3o3M0tnRmRmbzJIQ3JEU0lSdEJMS2JWcTJZaS1yeHhFMU1ENFA2Q0hxT2VoczdnOFFTZG9sQV9HVF9mUzhILXNoT3NWaFVoN3ltX3RRV213MjcwTFAzY3c5UFB3YzlkcVQyelRLRUtqdXJsWFFrUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2F2f5c69b2] Stop Asian American Pacific Islander Hate: https://stopaapihate.org/ [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1pGSXc1ZGNycDROWW9najlVYnlBek5CWE90d3xBQ3Jtc0tuejhoS250a1ZjQnJKRUw2NGVza1ZoMHFYekU1dzBZaHRaZ1YyRmJXMHJyRUlRTXdQSmZzeGgtQnJ1SEtWLW1PUWVxNUZKajdQLVh4aXg2TXhpcWdvRVF2UGxSSDhsUGpqSTZjQ2NlUVJONVNFLUtEdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fstopaapihate.org%2F] ______ EMAIL US! tsoyellow@gmail.com CHAT WITH US! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter: @tsoyellow​​ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support [https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support]

26. apr. 2021 - 34 min
episode S3 EP8: Are we smarter than a 5th grader? artwork
S3 EP8: Are we smarter than a 5th grader?

It’s been a minute since we’ve been in… 5th grade. So, are we smarter than one?? Hello! We took a short break to take time and process all the recent events that have transpired in our country in terms of anti-Asian hate crimes, so we thought we’d come back today with a fun, light-hearted episode. Play along with us, let us know how many you got right (lol) and hope you enjoy! 💛 ______ EMAIL US! tsoyellow@gmail.com CHAT WITH US! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter: @tsoyellow --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support [https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support]

12. apr. 2021 - 32 min
episode S3 EP7: Creating stories for the underrepresented (ft. Emily Feng) artwork
S3 EP7: Creating stories for the underrepresented (ft. Emily Feng)

This week, we had the pleasure of speaking with guest Emily Feng! Emily is a writer, director, and editor based in New York City. She has worked on music videos, narratives, brand campaigns, and documentaries. Most notably, her documentaries shot in Havana, Cuba have been selected at Best Shorts Competition, PopDoc Awards, Asian Film Festival Los Angeles Hollywood, and Seattle Asian American Film Festival. She is currently working on writing her first feature film as well as working as an videographer and video editor for The Chelsea Music Festival in NYC. She aims to make space in the industry for stories of underrepresented voices and to connect people, despite our difference, through our shared humanity and emotions. Hope you enjoy! 💛 You can find Emily on Instagram @emilyyffeng, and be sure to check out her website: emily-feng.com [https://emily-feng.com/] ______ EMAIL US! tsoyellow@gmail.com CHAT WITH US! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter: @tsoyellow --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support [https://anchor.fm/tsoyellow/support]

15. mars 2021 - 31 min
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