Podkast av EU-Council of Europe youth partnership

Welcome to UNDER 30, the podcast series by the EU-Council of Europe youth partnership that brings research results, explores trends in young people's ...

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47 Episoder
episode Training participatory youth policy artwork
Training participatory youth policy

In this episode, we are introducing the Youth Partnership's new training kit (T-kit) on participatory youth policy [https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/t-kit-15] - what is it for, what's inside and how it can be used.  Host: Dariusz Grzemny Contributors:  * Tanya Basarab, research and youth policy officer, Youth Partnership * Ajša Hadžibegović, author * Miriam Teuma, bureau member and former chairperson of the Council of Europe's European Steering Committee for Youth [https://www.coe.int/en/web/youth/cdej], one of the contributors of the T-kit. The transcript can be found HERE [https://eu-coe-youth-partnership.transistor.fm/episodes/training-participatory-youth-policy/transcript].

10. nov. 2023 - 30 min
episode How to be more sustainable in mobility projects? artwork
How to be more sustainable in mobility projects?

Sustain-Mobility was the fourth conference of the European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM) in the youth field that took place near Munich at the end of March 2023. It was hosted by Jugend für Europa, the German National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps , in co-operation with the Youth Partnership and other EPLM members. In this episode, we are discussing the results of the conference and reflect on issues related to sustainability in youth learning mobility projects. Guests: Manfred von Hebel - Jugend für Europa, the German National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps Georgia Verna - a young journalist from Italy Hosts: Lana Pasic and Dariusz Grzemny Transcript: https://eu-coe-youth-partnership.transistor.fm/episodes/how-to-be-more-sustainable-in-mobility-projects/transcript Links: Event website: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/conference-2023 [https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/conference-2023] The Youth Partnership's resources on sustainability, climate change and environment: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/sustainability-environment-and-climate-change [https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/sustainability-environment-and-climate-change] How sustainability saved my life? - an article by Georgia Verna: https://youth.europa.eu/year-of-youth/young-journalists/how-sustainability-saved-my-life_en [https://youth.europa.eu/year-of-youth/young-journalists/how-sustainability-saved-my-life_en]

21. sep. 2023 - 26 min
episode Growing youth work in Europe: before the symposium artwork
Growing youth work in Europe: before the symposium

On 31 May-1 June 2023, the Youth Partnership's symposium “Visible Value: Growing youth work in Europe” will gather over 100 participants in the European Youth Centre Budapest,at mid-point between two European Youth Work Conventions.  This event takes stock of the steps forward on youth work development and in the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA), and to streamline and promote a continuous constructive dialogue with the community of practice. In this episode we are talking to Zara Lavchyan - a youth work practitioner and trainer and Howard Williamson - a youth researcher about their expectations from the symposium and thoughts on where are we with youth work at the moment. Hosts: László Milutinovits and Dariusz Grzemny

25. mai 2023 - 35 min
episode Young women's political participation artwork
Young women's political participation

As we celebrate International Women's Day, we know that young women's participation in political life remains a challenge.    How are young women engaging with political processes at European, national and local levels?  What are the main barriers and support mechanism for their participation? Who can be an ally in building a fairer and more inclusive society?  Guest: Caterina Bolognese (the Head of the Gender Equality Division at the Council of Europe) and Anna Lavizzari (a researcher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a member of the Pool of European Youth Researchers [https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/peyr]). Hosts: Lana Pasic and Dariusz Grzemny Links: Gender Equality Division website [https://www.coe.int/en/web/genderequality] Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy [https://www.coe.int/en/web/genderequality/gender-equality-strategy] EU Gender Equality Strategy [https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/gender-equality/gender-equality-strategy_en#gender-equality-strategy-2020-2025] General Recommendation - Istanbul Convention Action against violence against women and domestic violence [https://www.coe.int/en/web/istanbul-convention/general-recommendation] Sexism, harassment and violence against women in parliaments in Europe [https://assembly.coe.int/LifeRay/EGA/WomenFFViolence/2018/20181016-WomenParliamentIssues-EN.pdf]

08. mars 2023 - 27 min
episode Access to youth services during Covid-19 artwork
Access to youth services during Covid-19

The pandemic has redefined youth services and has reshaped the way they are delivered. What were the most impacted areas? Listen to the podcast episode exploring this topic and read our study.  Guests: Ruzanna Ivanian (PEYR member and co-author) and Rares Craiut (Secretary General, ECYC [https://www.ecyc.org/]) Hosts: Ismael Páez Civico and Tanya Basarab Would you like to know more? Read the study: Youth services during the Covid-19 pandemic – a patchy net in need of investment [https://pjp-eu.coe.int/documents/42128013/72351197/Access+to+youth+services+during+Covid-19.pdf/f8c8274e-475f-c50d-fe01-e51d07ba6fa5?t=1652370832000], by Dunja Potočnik and Ruzanna Ivanian and check out the infographic [https://pjp-eu.coe.int/documents/42128013/105501240/YouthServicesDuringCovid+v3.png/7577dd62-704e-fae7-ffda-99ebf6ec000c?t=1673605671393]

19. jan. 2023 - 29 min
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