What It's Like To Be You
Podkast av Josh Lavine
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39 EpisoderIn this episode, Nicholas (SP/SO 9w1 936) talks about 9's passivity in relation to their dominant instinct and how they can "hope things just work themselves out." He also talks about how he learned to focus, take himself seriously, and summon the discipline to manifest his life vision. He also works through an intense caffeine spike in self-pres 9 fashion, so you can see in realtime as Nicholas narrates his 9 way of containing the intensity of his experience within an acceptable window of tolerance, or "envelope function." Couldn't have written it better. Enjoy! Watch this interview on YouTube to observe body language and other type cues [https://youtu.be/rMGL1c4Nt8I] Learn the Enneagram at The Enneagram School [https://theenneagramschool.com/] --- Timestamps 0:00 Intro 4:11 Learning the Enneagram & mistyping 5:48 Enneagram as weed addiction substitute; something to "latch onto" - body attachment 7:13 9 "leveling" of experience, finding the optimal intensity 9:09 body vs image - what I say depends on how it feels in my body 10:05 Celcius caffeine hitting now, suppressing it within the 9 envelop function 15:24 Time Management, Discipline creates freedom 19:01 freedom as autonomy of the body center 22:16 Being mental last, mind vs body agendas battling; "crazy concept called a budget" 26:04 taking my projects seriously rather than letting it "figure itself out"; 9 passivity relative to dominant instinct 30:06 Relationship motivation to make life improvements - not wanting to be told what to do, but to come to it myself 34:01 What happens when you're told what to do? 40:18 golf is life? 42:03 9 line to 3 - Nicholas' life vision 49:41 Domains of obsessiveness 53:44 9 dispersion of attention keeps life force diffuse; 9 -> 3 is focusing attention 1:00:08 Josh's similarities; 3-9 stem up front 1:03:04 Prioritizing as 9 Engagement, yet paradox -- beware priorities coming from 9-3 ego vs God, grace, higher self 1:10:08 9 "I don't matter" --> others should prioritize ME more; 9 ego - not wanting to be ignored (disrespected) 1:12:58 faith as anchor for self-remembering 1:16:00 How enneagram can reinforce personality instead of liberate to focus on what's really important 1:20:31 The Celsius Drink Finale!
Tracy Einstein is a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner and Alexander Technique teacher. We talk all about the body, how it holds and releases trauma, and how she works with clients. Tracy's Enneagram type is SPSO (Self-preservation / Social) 9w1. Enjoy! Links Tracy's Website [https://tracyeinstein.com/] The Enneagram School [https://theenneagramschool.com/]Deb Dana's website (Teacher of Polyvagal Theory [https://rhythmofregulation.com/]) Book mentioned Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma--An Integrative Somatic Approach by Kathy Kain & Stephen Terrell [https://www.amazon.com/Nurturing-Resilience-Developmental-Trauma-Integrative/dp/1623172039/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WoNW8ECD53_lR7cDOkoUwQ.XIYiKrJ6-JQJpnaFvSXDNRMFXSUnwXwbZLIK1W51Npk&qid=1733239318&sr=8-1] Resources to Go Deeper Body Learning -- a book about Alexander Technique [https://www.amazon.com/Body-Learning-Introduction-Alexander-Technique/dp/0805042067/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3NHX7ICWDWV14&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hYMZfht4seWa6gCsykeGnMsJtd5RAGobRAocEPrBPg7h7K_Ag47qM2Yoavs77vx1P7zFIj2F6q6pstCYGjrtw0wParjSbrTjmxUyTd9k_JC1cBlycQjzxRB4QsTVP7_3KeBlJao31L0jfQeG3r6um3yf7PxpFQiHh6A93HmpE0ArRCyf6ZzS8fv8ObkHmbbPMlgjPG8mfJfq5H0jJs9liLbXx-iDyjAl3jl1fYQ74lk8vlPegxTTQKQHinaLiU1svGd6oJr1P4FfsLCfopUntbAPLc0exzgPqz90bqs_ZOQ._7K0mpjaSmyyR3wE-DSU6QzJDQbqoS0T5YV8Qg4N5do&dib_tag=se&keywords=body+learning&qid=1733239456&sprefix=body+learning%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1]In an Unspoken Voice by Peter Levine -- a book about Somatic Experiencing [https://www.amazon.com/In-an-Unspoken-Voice-audiobook/dp/B075ZBF3S9/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3LNF4GY43LYY5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GLtStqc7HZNC6Ceh0Ahl5O0gKcApIVspxn4YDY6MOPm3jlBt5OR6z0tc0quXbZo84whzfnXvbklRKjeMZiqD64DEhRkFEe1NItzBeNHdBHPlIyHiTAe3IT7sbO5Xs8Fns1GLuV4v83bI58JDhlhtK5-BHVxH6ZEgPVo-VT5nodkHk8hJRNJ5EgaOK2pMN08kuHjQ0ekD9zCr3QvzdxzPS3ELBdlPvE_z5jLEQTo4iblMyJEvhVlWFB8H6tkOzxNEfhckxwIGc_FmwkBPyWcB2Yf7og-huQr9GYSeyXaHLWE.ln0lSdeTDj4SMEK-NohdZF96C70dlT8Kd-kEEgjHjOE&dib_tag=se&keywords=peter+levine+somatic+experiencing&qid=1733239479&sprefix=peter+levine%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-3] Timestamps 0:00 Intro 2:49 Our Body-blind culture 4:22 Tracy's journey to body work 7:44 The Preverbal universe 11:22 What is Alexander Technique? 15:00 Debauched Kinsethesia 18:03 Optimal Use 27:22 Endgaining -- how being too results oriented sabotages the work 30:37 The Enneagram Centers (Body, Heart, Mind) 32:22 Opening up superhighway between brain and body 34:48 What is somatic experiencing? (Letting body process without mental self-consciousness) 40:00 Tracy's practitioner lens -- what she notices 47:50 What is Polyvagal Theory? 51:31 You have to disengage social posturing to sense within 54:09 Many paths to regulation -- arguably the point of all modalities 56:46 Centering your own healing as practitioner is crucial; very clear lesson from AT because of body to body transference 58:57 Alexander Training 1:02:17 Having kid -- noticing what we learn before words -- the preverbal universe is the foundation of our lives 1:05:01 The terrible gift of trauma -- & the structure of society creates impossible parenting situations 1:09:07 You might not understand what's shifting somatically but don't need to -- body vs mental intelligence (or left vs right brain) 1:12:04 Final reflections 1:12:50 Plugs & Resources! --- Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay Coma-Media: https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/ [https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/] Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/ [https://pixabay.com/] --- #enneagram #alexandertechnique #somatic #somaticexperiencing
Kristen Oberly & Kaisa Jauhiainen -- aka The Dream Girls (minus Sammy!) -- are brilliant pioneers who have discovered the connection between their unconscious dream worlds and their instinctual drives and Enneagram type, and they have convinced me of the power of working with Dreams for personal transformation. They are offering a class through the Enneagram School starting 9/15 to help you develop a creative relationship with your unconscious. Enjoy! Links Connect with Kristen for Dream Analysis [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sinsomnia/id1684154994]Sinsomnia Podcast on Apple [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sinsomnia/id1684154994]Dreams Class Webinar [https://www.theenneagramschool.com/dreams-webinar-recording-09012024]Sign up for their class [https://www.theenneagramschool.com/dreams-and-the-enneagram-class] https://www.theenneagramschool.com/dreams-webinar-recording-09012024Enneagram Resources The Enneagram School Website [https://www.theenneagramschool.com/] https://www.theenneagramschool.com/enneagramLongform Interviews with Each Enneagram Type [https://www.theenneagramschool.com/podcasts/what-it-s-like-to-be-you] Timestamps 0:00 intro 3:37 Interview Start 4:15 Josh's Dream 17:12 Dream Ego vs what the unconscious is really saying 24:24 social 3 material in Josh's dream 27:59 Josh's skepticism -- are dream symbols really universal? 33:08 Dreams create your personal mythology 38:41 What the unconscious perspective adds to Enneagram 45:22 Kaisa's life since working with dreams 48:51 FIRST to apply jungian dream analysis to personality in this way 51:01 Dreamgirls' synchronized dreaming, unconscious to unconscious connections 55:22 Dreamwork as path to individuation and, surprisingly, the body 58:56 Individuation needs the unconscious perspective 1:02:44 Dreams are creative and freeing; Overcoming inner work fatigue 1:06:49 Kaisa's creative relationship with dreams -- becoming more grounded 1:13:07 All about their class 1:21:25 Outro & Plugs! #dreams #enneagram #innerwork #growth #dreams
"I'm a manifester like nobody is.... No doesn't work for me. I don't even know what no means. No means I gotta think about it in a different way." ~ Kim Jozwiak --- WATCH THIS INTERVIEW ON YOUTUBE [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mr2VKxiKcc&list=PL6uhq_P3bJDyKURhGZ9dkgefG6fjpfPQF&index=3] The Enneagram School Website [https://www.theenneagramschool.com/] --- Kim Jozwiak [SP/SO 7w6 712] is a therapist and trauma survivor whose life story blew me away. As a therapist, she works with EMDR therapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and various forms of mindfulness. We discuss her life story, her trauma, and how she settled her mental center and grounded herself. Enjoy. Links Kim's Website for EMDR & Equine Therapy [http://www.kimberlyjozwiak.com]Interviews with other Enneagram Types [https://www.theenneagramschool.com/podcasts/what-it-s-like-to-be-you] Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 3:48 Sweaty hands to start, nervous, "I've always been a runner" 6:08 7 interpretation of arousal unlikely to be "I'm anxious," more positive framing, buzzing exhilaration 9:01 Haircutting after trauma; mom's response, "Just trust in the Lord!" 11:24 Kim's "parts" consent to tell her life story; mom's brain injury 1 year before pregnant with me 15:41 Being molested & later symptoms, social anxiety 20:22 7 with triple super-ego (1, 2, 6) + disorganized attachment; repulsed when others merge with me 24:25 True crime fascination as counter-phobic response to be near psychological pay-dirt; "President of the misfits" 27:11 Traumatic middle school years: "instant love affair" with pot, alcohol; being taken advantage of; dad dies, religious gaslighting 33:43 Hiding overwhelmed self; NO ONE KNEW; checked out mother praying over me in tongues 37:09 "I'm amazing at not getting caught." 7 ability to get what I want; "I will not be trapped by not having enough money" -- the only friend with a job; SP awareness 41:55 From insincere faker to genuine "Jesus freak" - The Billy Graham Crusade and Kim's religious awakening (at 16) 46:43 Josh making sense of Kim's awakening, given previous religious gaslighting 50:32 Despite being pied piper leader, so disconnected that barely remember those people 52:55 The risky 7 way she moved to Chicago after high school 55:47 Flight energy -- "I can't be here. It'll be better somewhere else." Keep moving, "No one's gonna trap me." 58:28 Personality as survival mechanism 1:00:07 "I meet a boy" -- Christian morality, get married bc we're having sex (6 wing); inner split; difficult marriage, intensified drinking; "I kept moving, job to job, skimmed it all, didn't leave room for digestion" 1:06:03 Couples therapy - first time in therapy at all -- then met Joe 1:09:58 Self-abandonment, trauma-based; "should" vs "want" 1:13:41 7 mental "digitization" of others, not truly seeing others, creating suffering; 7-2 stem; in relationship with a 2 1:16:48 The conscious practice of connecting -- can only connect to other when I'm connected to my body 1:19:02 Therapy with Steve the 8 -- into the body; Being a mental type in therapy, getting past the "froth" to the substance 1:24:31 EMDR therapy -- a method for mental types! 1:32:26 Asking for what I want at my job 1:37:40 Equine therapy, "I'm a manifester" "No doesn't work for me"; drinking a lot of wine...; couldn't crawl out of depression 1:41:39 Confronting my alcohol addiction in therapy school; Going to AA, "something pierced through"; Gluttony leads to entrapment 1:53:49 Sober, vegan therapist -- living from inside out now, aligned to heart 1:57:30 7 Virtue of Sobriety, settled inner state "vs" the frothy mental center activity; IFS helps (!) 2:01:11 IFS similar to working with horses 2:05:03 7 awareness of darkness 2:08:31 How do you know when you're being wise and clear vs cluttered and frothy? 2:13:10 What's this been like? 2:15: 31 Kim's "Angel of Death" -- the part that gave Kim permission 2:17:49 Final Reflections 2:19:06 Plugs --- Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay Coma-Media: https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/ Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/ --- #enneagram #enneagramtypes #enneagram7 #type7
Join John Luckovich and Alexandra Arroyo-Acevedo for a Summertime class on the Sexual Instinct at The Enneagram School. Links The Sexual Instinct Class at The Enneagram School [https://www.theenneagramschool.com/sexual-instinct-class]The Enneagram School Home Page [https://www.theenneagramschool.com/] John Luckovich [SX/SP 4w5] is Co-Founder of The Enneagram School, author of The Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram, and co-host on the Big Hormone Enneagram podcast. Alexandra Arroyo-Acevedo [SO/SP 9w1] is a co-host on the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast. She also does personal Astrology readings and Enneagram-based commentary on reality shows like the Bachelorette. Timestamps 0:00 Intro 1:18 What are the instincts & instinctual stacking? 3:06 What the course is about 4:55 Interview Start — Inspiration for offering this class 7:33 Why develop your sexual instinct? 12:15 Sexual value vs social and self-pres value 14:10 Sexual energy is being your own fun 19:39 Sexual instinct is play; combatting societal shame for frivolous pleasure 21:20 What’s scary about the sexual instinct 26:43 Polarities — you have to be in yourself to occupy a pole 31:46 How different stackings approach sex 37:31 Heart & the instincts; being yourself and losing yourself 40:42 Purpose & sacredness in pleasure, surrendering to enjoyment 45:07 One way doors, loss of self and transformation 46:17 Masculine & feminine polarity 55:14 Polarity is exciting, creates tension 58:59 Balancing the sexual instinct as SX blind vs SX dominant 1:08:31 Practices in the course; differentiating instincts via sensation; reinforcing sexual instinct through personal aesthetic and display 1:15:49 Importance of this topic for society 1:18:20 Class Info --- Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay Coma-Media: https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/ [https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/] Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/ [https://pixabay.com/] --- #enneagram #enneagramtypes #instincts
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