Girl in a Sect - A True Story

Girl in a Sect - A True Story

Audiobook by Linnéa Kuling

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Linnéa Kuling was a child brought up in the infamous pentecostal sect in Knutby, Sweden, where one person was murdered and another shot. This is her story about growing up in the innermost circle of the Bride of Christ, and about how her safe haven turned into total darkness. When she was little and her family moved to Knutby, it was like coming home. They were welcomed into a loving and warm community that they thought would be paradise. It became hell. The family was torn apart, her mother would no longer be her mother, Linnéa would be the daughter of Christ's bride. Despite this – not everything in Knutby was bad. Linnéa gives a unique insight into one of Sweden's most talked about sects - through the eyes of a child. It's a story about trying to fit in and seek confirmation in a capricious community where love is conditional and the adults' betrayal of the children is immense. It is also a story about putting aside one's own will to devote one's life to something greater, to do good. 
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