Incredible Weapons

Incredible Weapons

Audiobook by World History

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Luftwaffe pilots fear one weapon more than any other: British Spitfires. Powerful Rolls Royce engines and an ingenious design make the plane fast and manoeuvrable. In 1940, Spitfires and their fearless pilots resist Hitler's attempts to bomb Britain to submission. The fighter's success forces Germany's leaders to develop even more powerful weapons. London is targeted by V-1 and V-2 bombs, forerunners of the Saturn V moon rocket. Meanwhile, on the Eastern Front the supergun Schwerer Gustav fires shells at targets 47 kilometres away. It's the heaviest gun in history at over 1,300 tonnes.Nevertheless, the juggernauts cannot prevent the Nazis' defeat. With new weapons like the Mosquito bomber, designed to be built from a kit, the Allies slowly crush the Third Reich. In 1945, the atomic bomb also forces Japan to raise the white flag. Incredible Weapons explores the war's wildest weapons –including crazy projects like an aircraft carrier built from ice that came close to becoming a reality. 
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