Arise Ventura

Arise Ventura

Podcast by Arise Ventura

Weekly sermons from Arise Ventura. A gospel-centered, multiethnic, and intergenerational church. Find out more about us at our website www.ariseventur...

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All episodes

61 episodes
episode Sermon: Be One artwork
Sermon: Be One

BE: The Church We will never change the world by just "going to a church." As followers of Jesus, on mission with Him in the world, we put our faith into practice when we walk closely with others as a local body. BE: The Church, is a short series encouraging the Arise family to live out our purpose as world changers exalting Christ, embracing community, and engaging culture, together.

01. maj 2022 - 39 min
episode Sermon: Be Committed to Care artwork
Sermon: Be Committed to Care

BE: The Church We will never change the world by just "going to a church." As followers of Jesus, on mission with Him in the world, we put our faith into practice when we walk closely with others as a local body. BE: The Church, is a short series encouraging the Arise family to live out our purpose as world changers exalting Christ, embracing community, and engaging culture, together. As the Church, we must call each other UP to the only one who has the power to save. We care for each other best when we call each other to love God and love people.

03. apr. 2022 - 46 min
episode Sermon: Belong & Become Together artwork
Sermon: Belong & Become Together

BE: The Church We will never change the world by just "going to a church." As followers of Jesus, on mission with Him in the world, we put our faith into practice when we walk closely with others as a local body. BE: The Church, is a short series encouraging the Arise family to live out our purpose as world changers exalting Christ, embracing community, and engaging culture, together. As the Church, we put our faith in action when we prioritize gathering and look for ways to push one another to becoming more like Jesus.

06. mar. 2022 - 30 min
episode Sermon: Believe Together artwork
Sermon: Believe Together

BE: The Church We will never change the world by just "going to a church." As followers of Jesus, on mission with Him in the world, we put our faith into practice when we walk closely with others as a local body. BE: The Church, is a short series encouraging the Arise family to live out our purpose as world changers exalting Christ, embracing community, and engaging culture, together. As the Church, the first step of putting our faith into practice is believing together.

07. feb. 2022 - 22 min
episode Stories From 'The Devoted Church' Series artwork
Stories From 'The Devoted Church' Series

What must the Church be devoted to in and out of season? What is the mandate on the Church no matter the politics, culture, time, and place? Acts 2 provides a lens of what the early church was devoted to, and thus, what we must devote ourselves to.

15. aug. 2021 - 52 min
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