Back That Pass Up

Back That Pass Up

Podcast by Josh Eisenmann and Sunny Boparai

Tune in for a sports/comedy debate show that has a "about to punch your best friend in the face" kind of attitude. Talking about the topics that matte...

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9 episodes
episode Back That Pass Up - Ep. 23: The Land Beyond The Wall artwork
Back That Pass Up - Ep. 23: The Land Beyond The Wall

It's cold. It's scary. It's the great unknown. It's Canada. Yunno, Canada gets a bad rap amongst a lot of Americans but it really is a pretty cool place (haha get it? Cool...cuz yunno, its cold). Sunny has been there plenty of times and considers himself an "honorary Canadian." Josh has never been and admits that he doesn't know what he's missing. We decided to dedicate this episode to The Great White North, so they pretty much owe us. We accept international payment in forms of whiskey, maple syrup, hockey tickets and poutine...whatever that is. Take part in our quiz and find out what your Canadian IQ is!

05. nov. 2014 - 6 min
episode Back That Pass Up - Ep. 22: Fear the Shame Beard artwork
Back That Pass Up - Ep. 22: Fear the Shame Beard

We all have our own ways of dealing with pain, misery and stress. For some, it means drinking yourself stupid. For others, it means a trip to the strip club for some cheering up. One of the more popular ways for fans to punish themselves is becoming the "shame beard." What do you think of this trend? Have you grown a shame beard? Does it make sense? What does this practice really accomplish? So many questions, so few people that really care.

05. nov. 2014 - 4 min
episode Back That Pass Up - Ep. 21: Hockey Fights for the Win? artwork
Back That Pass Up - Ep. 21: Hockey Fights for the Win?

What do we know about hockey players? Fun people to be around. All-around amazing athletes. They have terrible teeth (sometimes none). And they love a good fight. But there is growing concern that hockey fights are quickly going to become a thing of the past. Some fans are saying that fights are unnecessary and barbaric. Other fans just see it as a part of the game. What's your take? Are the fights awesome? Are they just a part of the game? Do they need to be removed from hockey for more new fans to get on board? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

21. okt. 2014 - 4 min
episode Back That Pass Up - Ep. 20: Gamecube vs Genesis artwork
Back That Pass Up - Ep. 20: Gamecube vs Genesis

When you think of iconic video game figures, which are the two that come to mind before any others? Are there any more recognizable images around the world than Super Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog? The answer is no...except for maybe cartoon wieners. Everybody knows what those are. But today, we take the Mario vs Sonic battle to another level. Which system meant more to your childhood: Nintendo Gamecube or Sega Genesis? We look back now and laugh at their capabilities compared to today's consoles but for their times, they were both magical beasts of joy and frustration. The guys take to the STREETS OF RAGE and go SUPER MONKEY BALLS while they grind their GOLDEN AXE and watch out for an ANIMAL CROSSING on their way to ETERNAL DARKNESS before they...ECCO THE DOLPHIN. Not sure how we ended up there but hey, it happened. Deal with it.

12. okt. 2014 - 6 min
episode Back That Pass Up - Ep. 19: America's Fastime artwork
Back That Pass Up - Ep. 19: America's Fastime

TV ratings for baseball have been going downhill faster than Jennifer Lopez's career. She still got dat ass, though. Anyway, watching baseball on TV is becoming more of a pain than a method of relaxation and enjoyment. It just moves so slowly! Pitchers taking their time between pitches, batters stepping out of the box to shake the sweat out of their batting gloves after every pitch, fielders picking their noses or adjusting their junk. Bud Selig has vowed that the average time for a baseball game will drop from its current run time of over three hours to a more tolerable 2 hours and 20 minutes. Do you think the potential rule changes could make the difference? Do you actually want to see these rule changes or does it ruin the sanctity of the game?

12. okt. 2014 - 5 min
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