Beyond Pedagogy

Beyond Pedagogy

Podcast by Milla

Beyond Pedagogy explores the teaching experiences of a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in the Canary Islands and compares the educational practic...

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4 episodes
episode Cultural Competency artwork
Cultural Competency

How do we practice cultural competency as educators? In this episode, I talk to Sean Alvarez, a 1st-grade teacher at Trinity Basin Preparatory, about why cultural competency is important. Mr. Alvarez taught English to primary school students in Germany. He hopes to work at an English language school in Berlin in the future.

27. maj 2021 - 23 min
episode Encouraging Kindness and Humility artwork
Encouraging Kindness and Humility

Ester Diaz, the bilingual teacher of 5A and 5B at Pepe Damaso, shares what she loves about teaching, the challenges students face, and her hopes for the future in this interview. Ester encourages her students to be curious and practice humility. They are encouraged to try their best and perform with a growth mindset. I admire her teaching style and enjoyed getting to know more about her through this.

26. maj 2021 - 16 min
episode The Last Leg artwork
The Last Leg

Wesley Peterson, a 26 year old Fulbright English Teaching Assistant who plans to pursue a master of counseling in the fall, speaks about the necessity of mental health support and how teacher assistants serve as the last leg to educators.

25. maj 2021 - 22 min
episode Reforming Education artwork
Reforming Education

What makes a reformer? What does reforming education look like nationally and globally? In Reforming Education, I chat with Jasmine Barnes, a Community Engagement Director and Partner with FuelEd Schools, about the challenges we face today in education.

24. maj 2021 - 27 min
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