Columbian Misadventures

Columbian Misadventures

Podcast by Sky

Gurps RPG Podcast

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4 episodes
episode Episode 3: The Skorpions artwork
Episode 3: The Skorpions

New problems arise as The Crew finish off the fight for the olive case Thank yopu for listening through our slower episodes i hope you enjoy the shorter length! find us on twitter @CacheTabletop feel free to @ us for comments and suggestions

03. maj 2020 - 2 h 3 min
episode Episode 2: The UnderCity artwork
Episode 2: The UnderCity

Sorry For the Delay between episodes but we're Back! We have a Twitter now! @CacheTabletop As well as a World anvil Page you can find the link to on our twitter! Hope you Enjoy the Episode!

26. apr. 2020 - 2 h 24 min
episode Colubian Misadventures! Episode 0 artwork
Colubian Misadventures! Episode 0

Welcome to our podcast! We are a group of 6-7 average guys that love RPGS and we wanted to share our really cool sci-fi gurps game with the world, starting with our first totally online game!

31. mar. 2020 - 4 min
episode Episode 1: A Struggle in Space artwork
Episode 1: A Struggle in Space

The Crew find themselves unsure of what to do but want to get out of the solar-system and away from the governing body that has *probably* deemed them as terrorists, their new contact Janet gives them a call. What events will unfold, and can everyone in the party be trusted? *quick apologies this is our first episode and we are trying to figure out the best setup still but hopefully it will lead to even better content soon!

29. mar. 2020 - 4 h 18 min
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