Eallima mohkit
Podcast by NRK
Sáhttá leat váttis rahpasit muitalit mii oaivvis jorrá. Dán podkásttas NRK Sámi journalisttat deaivvadit olbmuiguin, geat rahpasit muitalit makkár hás...
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2 episodesSárá lei lahka geargga bátnedivššárin go buot manai endorii. Bohte borranváttut ja fáhtehalai lossa millii, lassin dávdii mii jo lei. Jahkái ii leat veadján bargat maidige. Reportár Biret Nystad sagástallá Sáráin eallima mohkiid birra. Hør episoden i appen NRK Radio [https://radio.nrk.no/podkast/eallima_mohkit/l_543be3ba-2ab3-43bf-bbe3-ba2ab3c3bfe8?utm_source=thirdparty&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=podcast%3Al_543be3ba-2ab3-43bf-bbe3-ba2ab3c3bfe8]
- Hør alle episodene først i appen NRK Radio [https://radio.nrk.no/podkast/eallima_mohkit?utm_source=thirdparty&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=thirdpartypodcast%3Al_5fce6d4a-bbfc-499c-8e6d-4abbfcd99c48]
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