Feed Your Brain Podcast
Podcast by Max Elster and Mike Mahlkow
We are living in a world of exponential growth, social instabilities and radical innovations. The generations coming up have the urgent responsibility...
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127 episodesToday, we are introducing Jonas Rinde. He is the co-founder and CEO of Nomono, a cloud-based audio collaboration, and processing company built specifically for podcasters, broadcast journalists, audio storytellers, and many more. Audio workflow of the future. He has a long history of working in different industries and started working in the automobile industry due to his interest. Later, he led the R&D department at Tandberg, which was sold for 3.3 billion to Cisco where he became a board member of Cisco Systems in Norway. Continuously built and sold companies, and lastly with Huddly as the CEO. We talked about his way of choosing opportunities to work on, designing products, his new company Nomono, his thoughts about books, and his career advice.
Everyone's talking about it. The economy has not been looking good. Max and Mike discuss the current macro situation and what it means for startups, employees, and society as a whole. Recommendations READ Andreesen Horowitz: https://future.a16z.com/framework-valuation-navigating-down-markets/ [https://future.a16z.com/framework-valuation-navigating-down-markets/] Y Combinator: https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/19/yc-advises-founders-to-plan-for-the-worst/ [https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/19/yc-advises-founders-to-plan-for-the-worst/] Sequoia: https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/24/sequoia-capital-plays-nostradamus-again/ [https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/24/sequoia-capital-plays-nostradamus-again/]LISTEN Craft ventures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkzm4a7iY4 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkzm4a7iY4] All-IN Podcast or YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezOIBfZcwbQ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezOIBfZcwbQ] All-IN Podcast or YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcyec3pvAEY [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcyec3pvAEY] Let’s Connect! Connect with Max [http://linkedin.com/in/maxelster] Connect with Mike [http://linkedin.com/in/mikemahlkow]
"There was so much pain that just went into this and so much blood, sweat, and tears, personal commitment, you know, working really for three, four years, not sleeping, not having a personal life in that sense. And suddenly this whole thing, that's to fall apart." It didn't take long for founder and entrepreneur Stephan Heller to move on and start something new after selling his previous company. In this episode, Stephan reflects on his experiences working with startups over the years and shares the lessons he's learned. We also learn about his current project, AlphaQ, which was founded with the goal of creating an innovative, unique fund of funds structure that has the vision of being listed on the stock exchange and thus democratizing access to venture capital. Learn more about AlphaQ Venture Capital: https://www.aqvc.com/ [https://www.aqvc.com/] Stephan’s Recommendations To read: Ray Dalio Books [https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B0711LQ9G4?_encoding=UTF8&node=283155&offset=0&pageSize=12&searchAlias=stripbooks&sort=author-sidecar-rank&page=1&langFilter=default#formatSelectorHeader] The Score Takes Care of Itself [https://www.amazon.com/Score-Takes-Care-Itself-Philosophy/dp/1591843472] https://www.amazon.com/Score-Takes-Care-Itself-Philosophy/dp/1591843472To watch: The Last Dance [https://www.netflix.com/de-en/title/80203144] Let’s Connect! Connect with Stephan [http://linkedin.com/in/sjfheller] Connect with Max [http://linkedin.com/in/maxelster] Connect with Mike [http://linkedin.com/in/mikemahlkow]
As the population grows exponentially and the demand for meat grows, producing meat has become increasingly unsustainable. Hungry to change that, Planted Foods has been revolutionizing the food chain. Pascal Bieri, one of its founders, joins us today and inspires us to rethink what we eat as he shares with us the whys and hows of producing meat from alternative proteins. Be part of the food revolution: https://en.eatplanted.com/karriere [https://en.eatplanted.com/karriere] Where to find Pascal’s recommendations: NPR [https://www.npr.org/podcasts-and-shows/] Let’s Connect! Connect with Pascal [https://www.linkedin.com/in/pascalsbieri/] Connect with Max [http://linkedin.com/in/maxelster] Connect with Mike [http://linkedin.com/in/mikemahlkow]
Is getting a novel published comparable to getting a startup funded? Saket Kumar answers this question in this week’s episode. He freely takes us on an unexpected journey, from creating a novel to founding his current company. We also find out why he went from being a venture capitalist to becoming a founder and why he intends to stay for the long haul. Saket is the co-founder and CEO of Vitt, a company that provides fast and non-diluted funding for growing SaaS businesses. For three years, he worked as an early-stage venture capitalist. Learn more about Vitt: https://vitt.sh/ [https://vitt.sh/] Read Saket’s short stories: Book Recommendations: The Secret History by Donna Tartt [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29044.The_Secret_History] Indigo by Ellen Bass [https://www.ellenbass.com/books/indigo/] How Music Works by David Byrne [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13235689-how-music-works] Let’s Connect! Connect with Saket [http://linkedin.com/in/saketrkumar] Connect with Mike [http://linkedin.com/in/mikemahlkowhttp://linkedin.com/in/mikemahlkow] Connect with Max [//linkedin.com/in/maxelster]
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