Free Play

Free Play

Podcast by Mystēs

Free play is my reflection on the ancient Sanskrit term ‘Lila’ which sees reality as an unfolding dream, an infinite malleable game. It also points to...

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All episodes

16 episodes
episode Unbounded Wholeness: Approaching Authenticity artwork
Unbounded Wholeness: Approaching Authenticity

In this Dialogue, Bonnitta Roy & I play with approaching the Book - Unbounded Wholeness. Bonnie suggests skilful ways of relating to the ideas, concepts, and non-conceptual as pointed to in the approach of 'Authenticity', as defined in the book. We aimed to express the theme of 'multiplicity' in our dialogue to embody & point to the idea. The book: You can learn more about Bonnie & support her research at

29. jan. 2021 - 1 h 10 min
episode An Embodied Philosopher in pursuit of Harmony artwork
An Embodied Philosopher in pursuit of Harmony

In this episode, we dialogue with Derek Notman, the founder of Island Physical Culture. Derek has invested over 30 years in exploration of movement, and Chinese philosophy to develop a deep mastery of the principles that govern many of the martial arts. He has a rare ability to express the liminal, through metaphors, and embodied practice instructions. A focus on quality, and a pursuit of open-ended mastery, cultivation, and transformation. You can learn more about Derek at: []

26. jul. 2020 - 28 min
episode The Dance of Separation and Participation artwork
The Dance of Separation and Participation

In this episode, we dialogue with John P Milton, founder of Way of Nature on the dance of Independence (separation), and Inter-dependence (participation). We reflect on connection with nature, via fields of perception. We touch on the art of infusing life with the sacred.

02. jul. 2020 - 1 h 31 min
episode Cultivating the soil of your Soul Garden artwork
Cultivating the soil of your Soul Garden

In this episode, we speak with John P Milton, one of the fathers of modern environmental movement, and a meditation master. John gives us an organic history of his background and how it led him to help create the modern environmental movement. John also articulates the importance of deep inner work, embracing the shadow, and building inner capacity - by working with the soil of our soul, as we seek to serve the nature, and environment in our vocations; be they in service of planet, of raising a family, educating the next generation, or serving others. Learn more about John at: John's books: Sky Above, Earth Below: [] & Cultivating Natural Liberation: []

05. jun. 2020 - 1 h 29 min
episode Entering the Cave with Courage artwork
Entering the Cave with Courage

In this Dialogue, we speak with John on the 'in-between' time of worlds. As we move into Quarantine - how can we enter the metaphorical cave of our being, with courage, embracing our shadows on our journey to Source Awareness. We also speak about the bigger questions about Purpose, Identity and Contribution that emerge in this 'empty space'. John also shares a beautiful story of his encounters with the White Jaguar in the secluded Rain forests, where no expedition had been before. To learn more about way of nature, please go to:

22. maj 2020 - 1 h 37 min
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