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17 episodesitunes pic [] At his local five and dime, Horace runs into a familiar face. Andrew Jackson's in town shopping for silver spoons to melt into a bullet. He's got a specter to kill in his own time. Dakota Brown as Horace Kentucky and Loman Megan Clarke as Elizabeth and Kate Marcia Parks as Whispering voice Roman Penney as Andrew Jackson
itunes pic [] A special episode featuring some young talents. Filmed on location at Mckay Books Chattanooga. Along with Dakota Brown as Horace Kentucky and Casey Keelen as Cassie, we have: London Underwood- Velociraptor Arianna Flippen- Dog Madelyn Gill- Pirate/ Western Outlaw Dylan Flynn- Player One Ani Harsha- Sound Effects Kristina Willerson- Pirate/ Western Outlaw Kaylie Pettit- Pirate/ Western Outlaw Audrey Lawman- Pirate/ Western Outlaw Ashlanett Sanders- Pirate Quincy White- Pirate Rowan Powers- Pirate King/ Western Outlaw Isaiah Curry- Western Outlaw Mackie Pierre- Dog
itunes pic [] Steve, the former replacement for the Four Horsemen's Pestilence, is having trouble with his temp agency. Turns out he still has some pent up Apocalyptic energy surrounding him. Now to return it to the full time Pestilence, whose bath time is interrupted with a wild and fantastic adventure.
itunes pic [] Horace awakens from a lovely nap to discover that Queen Victoria is hovering over him in a not so familiar place. Turns out Horace is dead, and this limbo he's stuck in is escapable... so long as he listens to her majesty's recounting of an encounter with Nancy Larkin, the despicably friendly Necromancer.
itunes pic [] Horace awakens from a lovely nap to discover that Queen Victoria is hovering over him in a not so familiar place. Turns out Horace is dead, and this limbo he's stuck in is escapable... so long as he listens to her majesty's recounting of an encounter with Nancy Larkin, the despicably friendly Necromancer.
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