Inspiring Voice

Inspiring Voice

Podcast by Donna Rustigian Mac

Hey, it's Donna Rustigian Mac and I want to welcome you to the Inspiring Voice Podcast. The goal of the Inspiring Voice Podcast is to help you quiet t...

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14 episodes
episode Deep Breathing Meditation artwork
Deep Breathing Meditation

Deep breathing while recognizing and regulating stress is not a silver bullet but it's crucial in our overloaded business world. Consider the following 3 steps a few times a day to clear your mind and open your cognitive capacity: 1. Loosen up and stretch as you notice your stress level and how you're feeling (is stress low, medium or high?). 2. Turn your attention inward and focus on some deep breathing. When the mind wanders (it will), redirect attention inward (to build that mindful muscle). 3. Notice if you're feeling any differently after you increase your oxygen intake. This can be done between meetings, before a stressful conversation/presentation, and occasionally throughout the workday. 'Small moments with lots of oxygen' is a great habit to build.  This exercise does not take the place of medical advice. It's practical, will help you maintain energy, in addition to recognizing and regulating your stress. It's my hope you listen to the audio a few times then do this on your own. And pay it forward.

27. dec. 2024 - 6 min
episode Inspiring Voice - Dr. Valerie Young - Imposter Syndrome artwork
Inspiring Voice - Dr. Valerie Young - Imposter Syndrome

If you or anyone you know has ever struggled with Imposer syndrome---you’re going to want to listen to Dr. Valerie Young who is featured today.  Valerie Young…is uniquely qualified on the subject of Imposter Syndrome. She has a PhD, began studying it in the early 1980s and she, herself, has experienced it. So she’s well aware of what it it, how it feels and how it debilitates.   On the podcast today you’ll hear her talk about: * How Imposter Syndrome affects individual and how it affects the bottom line of business. * If Imposter Syndrome is ‘just’ a female issue * How prevalent it is in all industries - especially academia, the sciences, engineering, and health care. * How we can better understand Imposter Syndrome AND unlearn it. [] [] [] Know and OWN Your Worth, To Be a Leader []

20. feb. 2024 - 32 min
episode How to Control Fear of Speaking & Imposter Syndrome artwork
How to Control Fear of Speaking & Imposter Syndrome

Today, some liberation! The newer definition of liberation is, when you no longer feel like you must protect yourself…you trust yourself…you’re free to speak what’s true to you… you’re liberated. Please enjoy… something we’ve been sharing and teaching for a long time. How to Control Fear of Speaking or Imposter Syndrome. [] []

05. aug. 2023 - 7 min
episode Dr. Chris Sopa - Guide - Hears Her Inspiring Voice Even Louder Now artwork
Dr. Chris Sopa - Guide - Hears Her Inspiring Voice Even Louder Now

Today’s Guide is Industrial Organizational Psychologist and traveling psychologist Dr. Chris Sopa. Chris has impressive credentials…schooling and degrees AND she also has that deep life experience that is hers alone and hers to share.  Through some pretty huge challenges Chris has learned how to improve and perfect listening to her own Inspiring Voice…while extracting what we call the sweet lessons from life experiences. I met Chris while she was on a 4 month journey … visiting many portions of the world, solo. When she returned to the states, she was hit hard. And ended up having to have some major back surgery…which went very wrong.   Through it all…Chris endured and leaned, endured and learned and continues to. As Chris’s physical healing continues…you’ll hear a few things that she’s uncovered: * The importance of being tuned in and mindful of your thoughts * How to RETEACH people how to treat you * Shifting your perspective to counter social expectations and conditioning * How to set boundaries as opposed to protective walls  * And what she sees as a healthy, more enlightened future for her, her family and for people everywhere []  Donna Rustigian Mac Speaks - iVoice Communication - Donna Rustigian Mac [] []

24. maj 2023 - 49 min
episode Inspiring Voice - Brad Johnson & David Smith - Guides artwork
Inspiring Voice - Brad Johnson & David Smith - Guides

On the podcast today we get to hear from a couple of guys…Good Guys who wrote the book, Good Guys, How Men Can Be Better Allies for Women in the Workplace.  Brad Johnson and David Smith are very evolved men…both are highly educated, spent time in the military, and both have personal stories as to WHY they want to help women grow as leaders in the workplace. I’ve spent much of my career helping women take full responsibility for their leadership journeys - so it was heartwarming and so refreshing to meet Brad and Dave who want to give women an assist. Today they’ll talk about: * The tremendous business and personal benefits of doing this work * How becoming better allies for women in the workplace can ignite and support your DEI initiative.  * They’ll talk about some realities…like women who’ve had their ideas stolen…and they’ll also discuss how this is not a women’s issue…this is a leadership issue. Plus Brad Johnson and David Smith introduce and explain some very cool and important phenonea… like… * Exposure Therapy * GQ (I’ll give you a hint on that one…it’s kinda a cousin to EQ…) * Reluctant male syndrome * And some solid steps you can take to get this started…and help women step into their roles as leader in the workplace.  It’s all coming up… To Contact Brad and David go to: []  Contact us anytime at []

11. maj 2023 - 43 min
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