POWER Agents

POWER Agents

Podcast by AlvinPodcast

POWER Agents is a Podcast dedicated to Real Estate Agents to give them a resource to come to when they have questions about how to market their Real E...

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2 episodes
episode Cast-2 Using Property Brochures to market your virtual home tour artwork
Cast-2 Using Property Brochures to market your virtual home tour

How are you marketing your virtual open house, virtual home tour to get more listings? This podcast will explain what you should be doing to get more sellers (Listings) utilizing your current listing via virtual home tours and direct mail. Thinking outside the box marketing is huge right now during these times of COVID-19, be the agent that stands out during all of this mayhem!To get started on a plan for your next virtual open house or virtual tour contact me below for help!Email - Alvin.REMofCA@gmail.comFacebook - www.Facebook.com/AlvinNewtonInstagram - www.instagram.com/1AlvinNewtonTwitter - www.twitter.com/AlvinNewtonLinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/alvinnewtonWebsite - www.Alvin.MyREMportal.com Phone - 858-230-2373

13. apr. 2020 - 8 min
episode alvin intro artwork
alvin intro

22. jan. 2020 - 6 min
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