Prepping 4 Prosperity Podcast
Podcast by Preparing 4 Prosperity
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31 episodesWeekly Wednesday Freeze Dryer Chat
Monday weekend catchup, where I get into the coming new year.
Replay of the live Wednesday Live Stream. We talk about Freeze Drying weekly on Wednesday.
Its been a long time of feeling like crap and horrible uncontrolled asthma. Changes are happening.
Today I had the opportunity to join Nicole Sauce on her Podcast: Living Free in Tennessee. We discussed all the things related to Propane in just shy of an hour. From Home uses to Auto fuel and a few things in-between, I feel like this is a worth while listen. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you are new or unfamiliar with propane seek out experienced individuals or professionals before working with propane. I met Nicole in May at Exit and build and had the chance to hang out again at TSP 23, Jack Spirko's fall workshop. I have to admit im really glad that this was my first interview since it really did feel like chatting with a friend rather than an interview.
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