Sleep Meditation for Women
Gratis podcast

Sleep Meditation for Women

Podcast af Sleep Meditation

Sleep meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen 💗. Can’t sleep? Insomnia? Mind racing with worries and a never-ending to-do list? Tune in to the Sleep Meditation for Women podcast and let these guided meditations help you ease into sleep peacefully. Brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get comfy, press play and let yourself be guided into dreamland. Get more meditation resources at 

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1717 episoder
episode Ultimate Relaxation artwork
Ultimate Relaxation
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> [] Let your breath become a gentle wave, washing over you, Caressing your spirit with whispers of calm. Let each exhale soften your body further into the embrace of peace, As if a tender lullaby is sung just for you. LONG PAUSE Draw in the air, filling your body with tranquility, And as you exhale, imagine a cascade of serenity flowing down, From the crown of your head to the tips of your toes, Each breath a brushstroke of calm painting your inner canvas. LONG PAUSE With every inhale, feel the lightness, as if floating on a cloud, And with every exhale, sink deeper into the arms of repose. Your body, a temple of relaxation, opens doorways to untraveled realms of peace, Bathing in a sea of stillness, your heart beats in harmony with the universe. LONG PAUSE Should thoughts arise, observe them like leaves on a stream, Floating by, without attachment, drifting out of sight. With every breath, you're more rooted in the present, Where only peace exists, and calm is your guiding light. LONG PAUSE Now, journey within to a haven, your sanctuary of silence, A place where only you can enter, a garden of infinite grace. Here, the air is filled with the perfume of lavender and jasmine, And each step on the soft moss beneath feels like a caress. PAUSE Around you, the world is in harmony, A gentle symphony of stars whispers above, Crickets sing the song of the night, a melody of belonging, And the cool breeze is a balm, soothing your soul. PAUSE In this sacred space, there's a pond, clear and still, Mirroring the moon and your truest self. As you gaze into its depths, all worries dissolve, Your reflection- a testament to inner peace and strength. PAUSE Feel the warmth of a soft, glowing light enveloping you, A light from within, radiating pure love and joy. This light nurtures and heals, leaving no room for distress, Filling you with a profound sense of well-being. PAUSE And as this journey continues, let yourself drift deeper, Into the heart of stillness, where all is calm and all is bright. With each breath, you're more attuned to the language of your soul, Listening to its wisdom, guided by its light. PAUSE Now, as you find yourself nestled in this blanket of peace, Know that you can return here, to this oasis of calm, Anytime you wish, with just a close of your eyes and a deep breath. This sanctuary within is always yours, a refuge from the storm. PAUSE You hold the key to this ultimate relaxation, A realm of peace, a well of calm, residing within your heart. You are a beacon of tranquility, In the infinite dance of life, playing your sacred part. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> [] 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at [] To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
I går - 23 min
episode Echoes of Stillness 💕 artwork
Echoes of Stillness 💕
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> [] Settle your body, Close your eyes, Breathe into the stillness of the night. PAUSE… Inhale slowly, deeply, Feel the quietude seeping into your pores, Imagine the world slowing down, Each breath a step deeper into tranquility. PAUSE… The night whispers softly, Its echoes a gentle hum in your ears, As the busy day fades, Embrace the calm, the peace. LONG PAUSE… Sense the soft echoes of stillness, They reverberate within you, Each pulse a reminder of your inner calm, Floating freely, untethered from the day's hustle. PAUSE… Focus on the silence between heartbeats, The quiet space between thoughts, Feel your inner self uncluttered, Serenity filling every inch of your being. LONG PAUSE… Draw a long breath, embracing the still air, Exhale slowly, letting go of lingering tension, Rise with each inhale, grounded with each exhale, Find harmony in the stillness enveloping you. PAUSE… Now, turn your attention inward, Hear the echoes of your own breath, Like soft winds whispering through ancient caves, Each breath a sound of timeless calm. PAUSE… Feel the touch of air on your skin, Light as a feather, cool and soothing, It dances over you, a silent symphony, Playing the music of the night. PAUSE… Sometimes in the depths of stillness, When the world seems to pause, Gentle insights flutter softly, Touching your soul with wisdom. LONG PAUSE… Visualize yourself surrounded by a halo of quiet, Inhaling the still, exhaling the strained, Sink deeper into the embrace of the night, Aware of the gift of pure stillness. PAUSE… The echoes of the night are profound, In the quiet, your heart speaks louder, Its desires clear, its needs simple, Listen to its soft, truthful whispers. PAUSE… Night and stillness hold a magic, For they speak in the whispers of the soul, Crafting messages in the quiet, Reminding us of the power of peace. PAUSE… The meaning is different for each of us, Yet the stillness speaks to all, It teaches us to listen, to understand, The profound silence within. LONG PAUSE… Breathe in deeply, let stillness fill your essence, Exhale fully, relish the space you’ve created, Enjoy the clarity that comes with simplicity, Delight in the echo of your own tranquility. PAUSE… As you drift closer to sleep, Imagine deeper, fuller peace, Embrace thoughts of calm and rest. PAUSE… Here, everything exists for your healing, Whether silence, space, or soulful echoes, Take in what the stillness offers, Rest well in its gentle embrace. Sweet dreams, beautiful. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> [] 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at [] To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
23. jun. 2024 - 26 min
episode Sleep Sounds: Alpha Waves Relaxation Music - 10hz + 185hz artwork
Sleep Sounds: Alpha Waves Relaxation Music - 10hz + 185hz
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> [] 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> [] 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at [] To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
22. jun. 2024 - 1 h 1 min
episode Let Go of Pain and Suffering artwork
Let Go of Pain and Suffering
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> [] Allow yourself to settle in, And sink into your bed.  PAUSE… Close your eyes, And bring your attention onto your breath.  PAUSE… Find its gentle rhythm moving in and out of your body.  And see if you can breathe in a little deeper on each inhale, And breathe out a little longer on each exhale, Expanding and deepening your breathing, Letting it slow you down. LONG PAUSE… Now see if you can quietly identify, Anywhere on your body where you’re feeling tension, Or pain, Or tightness.  PAUSE… Just let your attention travel to these places, Imagining a soft white light hovering over them, Warmly covering you here, And softening you. PAUSE… Feel this warm white light dissolve the pain, And ease any discomfort.  Feel the pressure release. LONG PAUSE… Sink deeper into your bed, Inviting the blankets to hold you, And comfort you, As you breathe deeper, And melt into the night.  LONG PAUSE… Now bring yourself into your mind.  Imagine yourself looking out onto the vast landscape here. Notice the hills and slopes, Where the light shines, And where the dark hides.  PAUSE… See if you can find the pain and suffering that is living here.  The disappointments, The heavy memories, The tears.  PAUSE… Imagine the loving white light spreading out into the open lands, Finding each one, And swirling its gentle warm energy around it. Soothing the pain, Relieving the suffering.  Dissolving it all with every breath.  LONG PAUSE… The tenderness of the white energy relieves, But also extracts the lessons learned, The wisdom gained, And the beauty in each of the pockets of pain and suffering it touches.  PAUSE… They are a part of you. They have shaped you.  PAUSE… So breathe out the tension, And let it all go. LONG PAUSE… Feel the soft hum of peace, Spread through your body. Down from your head, Into your face, Your shoulders, Your chest, Your belly, All the way down your back, Into your legs, And into your feet.  PAUSE… Release it all, As you sink deeper into your bed. Calm,  Quiet, And free. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> [] 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at [] To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
21. jun. 2024 - 27 min
episode What Really Matters artwork
What Really Matters
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> [] Close your eyes gently, And invite your body to melt.  Breathe in real deep, And gather all you’ve felt.  PAUSE… I’m sure there are things, That feel big and dark. I’m sure stuff happened, That left an ugly mark.  PAUSE… Perhaps you’ve found your mind, Spinning with so much force. All the emotions and thoughts, Can take you way off course.  PAUSE… Maybe you feel quite stressed, Trying to hold everything.  You think life will collapse, If you don’t tightly cling.  PAUSE… But just breathe… And let it all dissolve. What really matters is… You’re here to evolve.  The moments of presence, The laughter in the air. The real food that feeds you, The memories that we share. PAUSE… This is what really matters, This is what means so much. The love that’s within you, The hearts you deeply touch. LONG PAUSE… Remember that this life, That you’re creating each day. Does’t have a destination, So find the wonder and play.  PAUSE… The money and the things, That you are told to amass, Aren’t bad or good, but they won’t, Fill your soul to last.  PAUSE… The work you do to discover, Who you really are, Will guide you how to best, Glow just like a star.  PAUSE… The juice of life lives deep in, The you you uncover here. Let yourself live loudly, And let go of any fear.  PAUSE… What really matters is that you, Live your life your way. And spread loving kindness, Each and every day.  LONG PAUSE… So gather them up and let go, Of all the meaningless things.  And focus on what matters, And all the love it brings.  PAUSE… This is what really matters, This is what means so much. The love that’s within you, The hearts you deeply touch. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> [] 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at [] To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
20. jun. 2024 - 24 min
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