Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
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Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones

Podcast af Something Good Radio

Something Good Radio features the Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Ron Jones, lead pastor of Atlantic Shores Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Ron is a pastor, author, discipleship coach, and radio broadcaster. Support this podcast: 

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1484 episoder
episode The Good Shepherd's Toolbox, Part 2 artwork
The Good Shepherd's Toolbox, Part 2
Shepherds have two critical tools with them at all times, a rod and a staff. King David writes about these tools when he tells God, the Good Shephard, “your rod and your staff comfort me.” In our last broadcast, Ron talked about the rod of correction and protection. Today, he turns is attention to the Good Shepherd’s staff, as he moves ahead in his teaching series, “Psalm 23 and Me: Living the Good Life with The Good Shepherd.” --- Support this podcast: []
04. okt. 2024 - 24 min
episode The Good Shepherd's Toolbox, Part 1 artwork
The Good Shepherd's Toolbox, Part 1
The tools of the Shepherd’s trade, on today’s Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones. Today, we come to the second half of Psalm twenty-three, verse four, “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” How does the Lord use these tools in our lives? And how does He use them in a way that brings us comfort? Find out next, as Ron continues in his teaching series, “Psalm 23 and Me: Living the Good Life with The Good Shepherd.”   --- Support this podcast: []
03. okt. 2024 - 24 min
episode Through It All, Part 2 artwork
Through It All, Part 2
The phrase “fear not” is found three hundred and sixty-five times in the Bible, one for each day of the year. One of the reasons God spends so much time telling us not to be afraid is because in the flesh, we’re prone to being afraid. Fear of death. Fear of the valley. Fear of failure. Fear of success. How does fear compete with faith? And what did King David say about fear? Find out next, as Ron continues in his teaching series, “Psalm 23 and Me: Living the Good Life with The Good Shepherd.”  --- Support this podcast: []
02. okt. 2024 - 24 min
episode Through It All, Part 1 artwork
Through It All, Part 1
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me. Psalm twenty-three, verse three tells us that God leads us down the path of righteousness. And then, suddenly, in verse four, we’re told that the path of righteousness sometimes takes us to a valley, a dangerous and frightening place, but a place where King David says he has no fear because the Lord is with him. It’s one of the most beautiful passages in all of Scripture, and Ron unpacks it today, as he moves ahead in his teaching series, “Psalm 23 and Me: Living the Good Life with The Good Shepherd.”  --- Support this podcast: []
01. okt. 2024 - 24 min
episode God Leads Us Along, Part 2 artwork
God Leads Us Along, Part 2
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is a way to death.” That’s Proverbs fourteen, twelve, and this is Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones. If the way you thought was right turns out to be wrong, how can you make things right again? You do it by obeying the Holy Spirit. Ron shows you how next, as he continues his series, “Psalm 23 and Me: Living the Good Life with The Good Shepherd.” --- Support this podcast: []
30. sep. 2024 - 24 min
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