Tellin' w/ Ellen
Podcast by Ellen B
In this interview series, Ellen B [(Leave) Nelson B] interviews artists about their recently released albums, covering information that would have bee...
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21 episodes
In this interview series, Ellen B [(Leave) Nelson B] interviews artists about their recently released albums, covering information that would have been (or is) included in the liner notes of their physical releases that have been lost to the streaming age. This week's guest is Superdestroyer here to discuss "In Your Loneliness, Your Holiness" and special guest Mars from Holy Kerouac For more information about Superdestroyer: Website: https://www.lonelyghostrecords.com/artists/superdestroyer [https://www.lonelyghostrecords.com/artists/superdestroyer] IG: Superdestroyed [//www.instagram.com/superdestroyed/] Twitter: @Superdestroyed [//www.twitter.com/superdestroyed/] Streaming: https://superdestroyer.fanlink.to/ILuvHams [https://superdestroyer.fanlink.to/ILuvHams] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Credits: Interview conducted on February 27 Concept by Ellen B Intro music and outro music by (Leave) Nelson B Edited by Leave Nelson B

In this interview series, Ellen B [(Leave) Nelson B] interviews artists about their recently released albums, covering information that would have been (or is) included in the liner notes of their physical releases that have been lost to the streaming age. This week's guest is Jake from The Merrier here to discuss "Cyclical" and special guest Jasmine from Exciting!!Excellent!!. For more information about The Merrier: Website: https://www.lonelyghostrecords.com/artists/the-merrier [https://www.lonelyghostrecords.com/artists/the-merrier] IG: Themerrier505 [//instagram.com/themerrier505/] Twitter: @themerrier505 [//twitter.com/themerrier505/] Streaming: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/themerrier1/cyclical [https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/themerrier1/cyclical] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Credits: Interview conducted on January 21, 2021 Concept by Ellen B Intro music and outro music by (Leave) Nelson B Edited by Ellen B

In this interview series, Ellen B [(Leave) Nelson B] interviews artists about their recently released albums, covering information that would have been (or is) included in the liner notes of their physical releases that have been lost to the streaming age. This week's guest is Gibran from The Give and Take here to discuss "Petals". For more information about The Give and Take: Website: https://www.knifepunchrecords.com/bands/tg&t [https://www.knifepunchrecords.com/bands/tg&t] IG: thegiveandtakeband [//www.instagram.com/thegiveandbake/] Twitter: @thegiveandbake [//www.twitter.com/thegiveandbake] Streaming: https://linktr.ee/Thegiveandtakeband [https://linktr.ee/Thegiveandtakeband] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Interview conducted on October 25, 2021 Concept by Ellen B Intro music and outro music by (Leave) Nelson B Edited by Superdestroyer

In this interview series, Ellen B [(Leave) Nelson B] interviews artists about their recently released albums, covering information that would have been (or is) included in the liner notes of their physical releases that have been lost to the streaming age. This week's guest is Superdestroyer here to discuss "Such Joy". For more information about Superdestroyer: Website: https://www.lonelyghostrecords.com/artists/superdestroyer [https://www.lonelyghostrecords.com/artists/superdestroyer] IG: @superdestroyed [//www.instagram.com/superdestroyed/] [//www.twitter.com/superdestroyed/] Twitter: @superdestroyed [//www.twitter.com/superdestroyed/] Streaming: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/superdestroyer/such-joy [https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/superdestroyer/such-joy] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Interview conducted on October 16, 2021 Concept by Ellen B Intro music and outro music by (Leave) Nelson B Edited by Superdestroyer

In this interview series, Ellen B [(Leave) Nelson B] interviews artists about their recently released albums, covering information that would have been (or is) included in the liner notes of their physical releases that have been lost to the streaming age. This week's guest is Riley James from Johnny Football Hero here to discuss "Complacency". For more information about Johnny Football Hero: Website: https://johnnyfootballhero.bandcamp.com/ [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0Zsd3BlNnByeDhRUmxjcXFLMFZMSVA5eEowQXxBQ3Jtc0ttc0JMbUhJUjZmb2lLS2xBNjFCcVNJbGVnOGJsTERaM2xwTmxDWFNrdjNoSjBWdWlXc2lWZDU0aG5BTk0yMG9SYno0Q0tDUGFJQkN6OUZrVnNIX2VvMENwMW9YNUJGdFo4SExVOHEtal9RT1BodEpEQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjohnnyfootballhero.bandcamp.com%2F] IG: @jfh.phl [//www.instagram.com/jfh.phl/] Twitter: @jfh_phl [//www.twitter.com/jfh_phl/] Streaming: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/joh... [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbktQTW1lalQyTzhaZWliSFRJWkw0TGN5RzdDd3xBQ3Jtc0tuajZpcmZpZ0VVY2dPN2NwVFk0YU5nNHUtcnV4Mk1ySDU4UDVaVm1rWnNGbVdJN3Rzc01aN0JSSEtqNzVXa3ZxLTdqT3laQzBSN2xWVUZXZFg3dl9EYk80MHVGeHFuRzYzMW12MDZVT18wcG5wUVA2SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdistrokid.com%2Fhyperfollow%2Fjohnnyfootballhero%2Fcomplacency] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Interview conducted on September 9, 2021 Concept by Ellen B Intro music and outro music by (Leave) Nelson B Edited by Superdestroyer
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