Women Who Fart

Women Who Fart

Podcast by Lily-Rose

Just two women sharing a conversation! .....and a fart!

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All episodes

7 episodes
episode Episode Seven - Gender Roles artwork
Episode Seven - Gender Roles

Rose and Lily touch on the topic of gender roles in this episode of women who fart. Just a few disclaimers: This was recorded a long time before Covid 19 got real, which is why we never mention it. We hope you are all safe at home. We acknowledge that...

29. apr. 2020 - 38 min
episode Episode six - A deep and meaningful on Vulnerability artwork
Episode six - A deep and meaningful on Vulnerability

After a bit of a break, Rose and Lily dive back in with a DMC on vulnerability. In an unorganised fashion, they discuss what being vulnerable means to them and how it is important to tolerate and accept imperfection.

07. mar. 2020 - 46 min
episode Episode five - Spirituality and other such topics artwork
Episode five - Spirituality and other such topics

Rose and Lily explore the topic of spirituality and what it means to them. This episode contains a number of sound mistakes from bumping the mic and amateur editing. We apologise for our clumsiness.

09. jan. 2020 - 52 min
episode Episode four - PERIODS! artwork
Episode four - PERIODS!

In this episode, Lily and Rose share stories, ideas and laughs while pulling the finger on the great menstrual taboo!

10. dec. 2019 - 47 min
episode Episode three - Children artwork
Episode three - Children

Lily and Rose explore their passion and interest in children! They discuss topics such as the way we project onto children, letting children just be who they are, schools and education curriculums and perceptions of kids/the way they are treated. Rose and Lily touch on motherhood and some other topics near and dear to them in a long but wonderful conversion between two friends!

15. nov. 2019 - 51 min
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