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Find answers to frequently asked questions about Podimo by podcasters

How do you pronounce Podimo?

Our name is pronounced POD-ee-mo. Emphasis on the pod. As in podcast. If you’d like to be even more confused, click here

How does my podcast get on Podimo?

If your podcast is distributed via an open/standard RSS feed, it’s probably already on most podcast platforms - including Podimo. Hooray!

We follow industry-standard best-practice when it comes to making your podcast available on Podimo: we don't rehost or edit in any way, and we send listening data back to you or your hosting platform.

How does my podcast become part of Podimo’s revenue-sharing ecosystem?

Start earning revenue with us by claiming ownership of our podcast in Podimo Studio. Here’s how: 

  • Get started in Podcaster Studio by clicking "Create an Account".

  • Once your account has been created, click "Import RSS feed".

  • Add your RSS feed below. You'll typically get your RSS feed from your podcast hosting company. 

  • Click “Next” and confirm the ownership of your podcast.

  • After this, an email with a verification link will be sent to the email address that your RSS feed is associated with. If you do not receive an email – or if you do not know which email your RSS feed is associated with – please contact us here.

  • Once we have verified your ownership, you’ll receive a confirmation email from us and your podcast will appear on Podimo within a few hours. 

Welcome to Podimo. We’re happy to have you :) 

I want to host my podcast exclusively on Podimo. How do I do that?

If you are interested in distributing your content exclusively on Podimo with a bespoke partnership, please contact us here. We work intelligently to maximize your podcast’s reach, visibility and revenue. 

What does my RSS feed need to include for my podcast episodes to appear on Podimo?

Your RSS feed needs to comply with Podimo’s RSS feed requirements to ensure that your podcast episodes are visible in the app.

My podcast is not updated with the correct image-/sound files. How do I solve this?

If you distribute non-exclusively with Podimo, your feed will automatically be updated with new episodes from your host. Sometimes, however, mistakes happen and your cover art updates or your new episodes are not displayed correctly in the app - or can’t be seen at all. If this is happening to you, contact us here, and we’ll get you sorted.

Can my podcast include paid sponsorship on Podimo?

Yep. Sponsorships are allowed on both of our non-exclusive and exclusive distribution deals.

How much do I make if my podcast is on an exclusive deal?

By choosing the exclusive distribution deal, your podcast(s) will be curated in our app and made available exclusively to Podimo’s Premium members. These partnerships, and the revenue they produce, are as individual as the podcasts themselves, and no two deals look exactly alike. Our local team will work with you to put an exclusive deal together that’s the perfect fit for your podcast and goals, so get in touch with us here to learn more.

How much do I make if my podcast is on a non-exclusive deal?

As a non-exclusive podcast, all Podimo members will be able to find and listen to your podcast; and when Premium members listen, you get 50% of the revenue generated in a given month. This is a purely additive revenue stream - meaning you don't have to change anything about the way your podcast is hosted, distributed, or monetized anywhere else.

Can I have some episodes on the exclusive deal and some on the non-exclusive?           

Yes you can! Contact us here to discuss a bespoke plan.

How do you define a stream?

A stream is recorded in Podimo Studio when a listener has listened to at least 60 seconds of an episode. The same unique listener can stream multiple episodes a day.

How many followers do I have?

You can see how many followers you have in Podcaster Studio, and on your podcast page in the app.

What are ratings?

In Podcaster Studio, you can see how your podcast is rated by our users, i.e. the percentage of users who give your episodes a 'thumbs up'.

What does completion rate mean?

Completion Rate shows what percentage of your listeners have streamed more than 90% of a specific episode. Completion rates are calculated for the entire period from release date.

How do you measure daily unique listeners?

A unique listener is registered when a user presses play on an episode in your catalog. She or he is recorded once a day in the overall overview, and once a day in each episode the user listens to. Therefore, the number of total daily streams will often be a bit higher than total daily unique listeners, as most users tend to listen to a specific episode in multiple sessions/streams.

What if I don't want my podcast on Podimo?

If you wish to have your podcast removed from Podimo, it will be removed immediately. All you have to do is go to Podcaster Studio here and click “request removal here”.

Will Podimo be launched in other countries?

You bet. And soon. If Podimo hasn’t launched yet in your country, you can sign up to be notified as soon as it does via