Rational Anger Podcast
Podcast von Marquise Richards
Hosted by Quise, Somer, Celine Belissa, and Mo. The Rational Anger Podcast is a podcast that aims to bridge academia and the hood. We dissect research...
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51 FolgenBecome a Patron! [patreon.com/marquisedavon] Follow Rational Anger Podcast Twitter: @Rational_Anger Instagram: @RationalAngerPod
Listen to Jazmine Sullivan’s “Heaux Tales” * Interview with Scottie Beam + Sylvia Obell [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBuUwRWrHaA] Read Deesha Philyaw’s “The Secret Lives of Church Ladies” Watch/Listen to Chimimanda’s Speech [https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story?language=en] Become a Patron - Patreon.com/marquisedavon [patreon.com/marquisedavon] Watch the video format on Patreon when we drop the episode. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @rationalangerpod Twitter: @Ration_Anger
References: Moving Beyond Pain [https://bellhooksbooks.com/moving-beyond-pain/] - bell hooks critiques on Beyonce's 'LEMONADE' Buy "All About Love" [https://www.amazon.com/All-About-Love-New-Visions/dp/0060959479] by bell hooks Speaking Freely [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2bmnwehlpA]- bell hooks interview (video) Follow us on Social Media: @MarquiseDavon on all social media (Twitter, IG, Tik Tok) @ColdSomer on Twitter / @cold.somer on Instagram. @rationalangerpod on Instagram @Rational_Anger on Twitter
Make sure to read and watch our dissection of "Their Eyes Were Watching God" Support our Patreon Here: https://www.patreon.com/RationalAnger
ARTICLE: The Battle Over Identity Politics, explained [https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/12/2/13718770/identity-politics] - German Lopez ARTICLE: The Combahee River Collective Statement, Primary Document [https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/combahee-river-collective-statement-1977/] Marquise (@MarquiseDavon) Somer (@ColdSomer) (@Cold.Somer) Celine Belissa (@seabelissa) (@cbelissa) Mo (@sleazymo_) Become a Patron [https://dashboard.simplecast.com/shows/3f051e69-2edb-4157-a48c-38d374b57734/episodes/patreon.com/ThisAmericanNegro]
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