Talking Family Talking Life Podcast
Podcast von Mike and Sarah Click
Helping families to navigate through this crazy thing called life.
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33 FolgenWhy is it that people refuse to spiritually mature and not seek to grow in their marriages, families, and their walk with the Lord? In this podcast, we will dive into what people are really saying when they don't want help.
As you listen to this podcast, I know there are MANY reasons why people are unable to attend a church service. So please keep in that in mind before you send any hate mail :) This is a topic that is close to my heart and I share my thoughts with genuine care and concern. As I stated in the podcast, there are many reasons why people attend church less and not just the one theory I present. I truly believe my theory can be true in many cases, but not necessarily in many other cases. Hope this is a topic that we can all think and pray about.
In this podcast, Sarah and I discuss what is happening in a Christian's life and their family's when we decide to spiritually sleep and check out and what we need to do about having an awakening.
Q & A with Sarah. We will get more serious next time :) Having said that, there is more "serious" stuff at the end...
This week we will look at how we as parents, grandparents, guardians, etc. can work with our children on dealing with the unexpected.
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