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Podcast von Zach Ward
YesAndLife helps listeners discover what's possible when you just say yes, to create more meaningful lives and to explore the joy of supporting each other unconditionally. We do that by interviewing people who inspired us with what they have made possible, leveraging the skills of improvisation and the art of comedy, whether they know it or not.
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5 FolgenEpisode 5: Lisa Jolley
YesAndLife interviews actor, singer, improviser and incredible mother Lisa Jolley on how saying yes to her family, to an autism diagnosis for her son George, and to the challenges life has thrown at her opened up new opportunities and unlocked a community of unconditional support.
21. Mai 2017 - 12 min
Episode 4: Estes Tarver
YesAndLife interviews award-winning Director, Actor, Coach and Arts Entrepreneur Estes Tarver. A former competitive tennis player, Estes channeled his discipline for sports for his work on stage and on film. Estes said yes to his own passion and now creates opportunities for young people to pursue their own.
07. März 2017 - 16 min
Episode 3: Henry Copeland
YesAndLife interviews serial entrepreneur Henry Copeland, Wall Street wolf (’84-'91), Budapest journalist (’91-’98), and founder of Pressflex.com, parent company for the online projects Henry has said yes to over the last 20 years.
03. Feb. 2017 - 29 min
Episode 2: Matt Neal
YesAndLife interviews restaurant veteran Matt Neal, owner of Neal's Deli and man about food in North Carolina. "This is just the kind of good, real food I decided I wanted to eat for lunch every day." Zach recommends the BLT on rye, when you can get it.
03. Feb. 2017 - 24 min
Episode 1: Lies Sapp
YesAndLife interviews Carrboro entrepreneur Lies Sapp. A litigation attorney in her former life, Lies is a co-owner of a yoga studio (three actually), massage institute and a wellness spa. She said yes once and it turned into an empire.
03. Feb. 2017 - 17 min
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