Anything For Selena
Kostenloser Podcast

Anything For Selena

Podcast von WBUR & Futuro Studios

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On the podcast Anything for Selena, Apple Podcasts’ Show of the Year of 2021, Maria García combines rigorous reporting with impassioned storytelling to honor Selena's legacy. She also explores the indelible mark she left on Latino identity and belonging, whether it’s fatherhood, big-butt politics, and the fraught relationship with whiteness and language. 

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26 Folgen
episode Anything for Selena Presents: "Beyond All Repair," a new podcast about an unsolved murder and a woman who wasn’t believed artwork
Anything for Selena Presents: "Beyond All Repair," a new podcast about an unsolved murder and a woman who wasn’t believed
Introducing Beyond All Repair, a new WBUR podcast hosted by Amory Sivertson. This series tells the story of a murder, but also the woman who was accused of that murder, Sophia. Sophia was newly married and 6 months pregnant when she was charged with murdering her mother-in-law in 2002. She gave birth to a son in jail that she hasn’t seen since, and for the last three years, she’s been telling me her story in hopes of getting justice for her mother-in-law, of having a chance of meeting her son, and of finally being believed. This is the first chapter of Beyond All Repair. Episode 2 is already waiting for you. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. []
13. März 2024 - 25 min
episode Introducing ‘The Gun Machine’, a podcast about how America was forged by the gun industry artwork
Introducing ‘The Gun Machine’, a podcast about how America was forged by the gun industry
Produced by WBUR, Boston’s NPR, in partnership with The Trace, The Gun Machine looks into the past to bring you a story that most Americans never learned in history class: how early partnerships between mad scientist gunsmiths and a fledgling U.S. government created the gun industry in the Northeast, and how that industry has been partners with the government ever since. Host Alain Stephens examines how this 250-year relationship underpins all Americans’ interactions with guns — including our failures in dealing with the fallout of gun violence. The Gun Machine episodes drop every Wednesday, starting Oct. 4, 2023. Listen and follow on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts.
06. Okt. 2023 - 3 min
episode Anything For Selena introduces Violation, a new podcast about who pulls the levers of power in the justice system artwork
Anything For Selena introduces Violation, a new podcast about who pulls the levers of power in the justice system
We want to share a first listen of a new podcast we're working on at WBUR. Violation tells the story of two families bound together by an unthinkable crime. It explores America's opaque parole system and asks: How much time in prison is enough? Who gets to decide? And, when someone commits a terrible crime, what does redemption look like?  Listen to the trailer and if you like what you hear, head over to the Violation feed wherever you get your podcasts and hit subscribe so you'll get new episodes when they drop, beginning March 22.
15. März 2023 - 3 min
episode The Last Cup: Messi’s Final Shot artwork
The Last Cup: Messi’s Final Shot
NPR and Futuro Studios present The Last Cup, a limited series about soccer and the immigrant experience. Lionel Messi is known as the best soccer player of his generation, but there’s one dream he’s never achieved: winning a World Cup for Argentina, the country he left decades ago. What does home mean when you are so far away, for so long?
21. Nov. 2022 - 40 min
episode Presenting 'Ídolo: The Ballad of Chalino Sánchez' artwork
Presenting 'Ídolo: The Ballad of Chalino Sánchez'
Imagine if Frank Sinatra went on stage every night with a gun in his waistband, or if Tupac got into a shootout onstage at a rodeo. Well, Chalino Sanchez did just that. Today, we're sharing an episode of a brand new podcast from our friends at Futuro Studios, "Ídolo: The Ballad of Chalino Sánchez." The 8-episode series examines the extraordinary life of the “King of Corridos” and an attempt to unravel the mystery of his death. This is the first episode, "Death Note."
08. Feb. 2022 - 26 min

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