BloodNGutsMurfy Presents:
Kostenloser Podcast

BloodNGutsMurfy Presents:

Podcast von BloodNGutsMurfy

Welcome to BloodNGutsMurfy Presents:! This is the home to two different podcasts made by me, BloodNGutsMurfy. First on Mondays we have Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Conversation. The Technicolor Conversation takes place after Joe and Gladys see a movie in the theater. They use the experience as a jumping off point to spark some sort of conversation. Sometimes its about the movie, sometimes its about literally anything else. One thing is for sure though, there will be TONS of spoilers. So first, watch the movie for yourself. Then come on by and hang out with us for an hour or two and last, but not least, enjoy the best part of every podcast, the ads! Second, on Fridays we have Goin' Steady. An audio adventure through a narrative heavy video game played fully on microphone, start to finish. The game is the star of this one, with some conversation and commentary along the way from Joe and a guest. This is a serial podcast made to be treated like a radio play. Let your imagination do the heavy lifting here and hang out for however many weeks it takes us to get through what we're playing. Also, if you really want it, there will be video of the playthroughs on our YouTube page, BloodNGutsMurfy Presents:. We also have the email address if you for any reason care to reach out and tell us all about how great we are or maybe how wrong we are. We'll read it on air! Well...See ya!. 

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22 Folgen
episode Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Conversation Ep15: Knives Out artwork
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Conversation Ep15: Knives Out
Spoilers Ahoy! Joe, Gladys and first time guest Tyler went and watched the shit out of Knives out then sat down and podcasted the hell out of it so that you could listen to the fuck out of it. (Sorry, just thought I'd make use of that "explicit" rating this week.)
09. Dez. 2019 - 1 h 44 min
episode Goin' Steady Sn 1 Ep 6: STILL Gettin' down on the Groundbreaker artwork
Goin' Steady Sn 1 Ep 6: STILL Gettin' down on the Groundbreaker
Craptin's log. Episode 6. We're still on Groundbreaker. Parvati has made a friend. Lets get drunk about it.
07. Dez. 2019 - 1 h 31 min
episode Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Conversation Ep14: Charlie's Angels artwork
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Conversation Ep14: Charlie's Angels
Spoilers Ahoy! Its episode 14 of the Technicolor Conversation! Joe and Gladys got together to go see the box office bomb, Charlie's Angels. Joe had a good time admiring how amazing Kristen Stewart looked the whole time and continues to try to pinpoint just why he loves Elizabeth Banks so much. Gladys has the intelligent things to usual
02. Dez. 2019 - 1 h 39 min
episode Goin' Steady Sn 1 Ep 5: Gettin' down on the Groundbreaker artwork
Goin' Steady Sn 1 Ep 5: Gettin' down on the Groundbreaker
Episode 5. Alas, we've finally arrived at the Groundbreaker. Time to wander around and steal as much stuff as possible and I suppose progress this story a bit...I guess.
28. Nov. 2019 - 1 h 38 min
episode Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Conversation Ep13: Doctor Sleep artwork
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Conversation Ep13: Doctor Sleep
Its episode 13 and we're here to hang out with dogs and spoil movies that few people saw. Joe and Gladys saw Doctor Sleep with a dog in the theater and then recorded a podcast about it with dogs on the table. What more could you want?
25. Nov. 2019 - 2 h 17 min
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