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Christ Episcopal Church
Podcast von Reverend Chip Edens
Christ Episcopal Church
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6 FolgenListening to God in the Streets - Audio
When you engage and serve the poor, you will encounter the heartbeat of God.
Song: "Fix You"
Vocals: Jackson Daisley
Music: Jamey Graves, Guitars, Bass, Drums, Backing Vocals Rob Ridgell, Piano
Recording engineer: Jamey Graves
"Fix You" written by Chris Martin, Will Campion, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland. ©2005 Parlophone Records
08. Apr. 2014 - 10 min
Listening to God in Relationships - Audio
Are we listening for God’s voice to speak through voices that we sometimes discount or even ignore because they’re either too familiar or too different?
Song: "Reason to Sing"
Vocals: Lindsay Full, Assistant Director of Children and Family Ministry and Coordinator of the Jr. Youth Program
Music: Jamey Graves, backing vocals, guitars, bass, keys
Recording engineer: Jamey Graves
"Reason to Sing" written by: Alli Rogers, David Leonard, Leslie Jordan © 2011 Integrity's Alleluia! Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing (IMI)) Integrity's Praise! Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing (IMI)) Simple Tense Songs (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
01. Apr. 2014 - 8 min
Listening to God in Nature - Audio
Nature attunes us to the presence of God, which is everywhere, but often becomes muted in our busy day. American Folks Hymns for Violin and Piano by James E. Clemens ©2008 World Library Publications, Hymn Tune: “Resignation” My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, #664 in the Hymnal 1982. Peter deVries, violin; Rob Ridgell, piano; Jamey Graves, recording engineer
26. März 2014 - 8 min
Listening to God in the Darkness - Audio
Each soul is shaped differently, so each of us may suffer differently, but you never have to make it through the darkness alone. Song: "Precious Lord, Take My Hand."
Soloist: Lillian Curry, housekeeper/kitchen assistant of Christ Church; Recording Engineer: Jamey Graves.
Words: Thomas A. Dorsey, 1932. Dorsey wrote this song in Chicago, Illinois, after his wife Nettie died while giving birth to a child (who also died shortly thereafter). Dorsey sang the song for his friend, Gospel singer Theodore Frye, and Frye’s choir sang it the next Sunday at the Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Music: Adapted by Thomas Dorsey from the tune Maitland, by George N. Allen, 1844.
21. März 2014 - 6 min
Listening to God in the Bible - Audio
Hear how the Bible reveals a wealth of information about the heart of God.
Music features “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” by Calvin Hampton (Hymn 469 in the Hymnal 1982), sung by soloist Elizabeth Blackman, who is a senior at Myers Park and member of our choir. Organ: Rob Ridgell; Recording Engineer: Jamey Graves.
12. März 2014 - 8 min
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