Discussions On Psychoanalysis

Discussions On Psychoanalysis

Podcast von Grégoire Pierre & Edgard Danielsen

Every month we try to offer a good enough, candid and open discussion on different aspects of psychoanalysis. We invite our audience to share with us ...

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54 Folgen
episode # 54 On Intolerance of Diversity in Psychoanalytic Institutes artwork
# 54 On Intolerance of Diversity in Psychoanalytic Institutes

Dear Listeners, In this episode your hosts based their discussion on a 1994 article written by Kenneth Eisold, "The Intolerance of Diversity in Psychoanalytic Institutes". Happy New Year! [02:56] Little things the paper does not address. [06:47] Survival & History. [08:54] Tension between belonging to a group of analysts and being available to the diversity of our patients. [14:22] Institutes & Loneliness. [17:23] Different trainings, similar outcomes. [20:22] Theory & Loss

10. Jan. 2025 - 26 min
episode #53 On Choosing a Psychoanalytic Institute & a Supervisor artwork
#53 On Choosing a Psychoanalytic Institute & a Supervisor

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts discuss different ways to choose a psychoanalytic institute and a supervisor. [0:25] Intro [3:44] How we chose our institute [9:08] Institutes & Academia [13:16] What is the point of a psychoanalytic institute? [17:31] The infamous 800 level at NPAP [18:17] Why do we need a place to train? [24:15] A personal analysis is not enough [27:22] Why would eclectic be better? [30:18] The pros of a specialized institute [36:42] Choosing a supervisor or many [46:29] Important but hard to know aspects of an institute [51:00] Limited amount of staff members [52:08] Ability to integrate the conflicts in the present and the past [56:51] Ending

01. Dez. 2024 - 59 min
episode #52 On Choosing an Analysant artwork
#52 On Choosing an Analysant

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts are discussing how analysts choose their analysants. [2:52] To choose or not your analyst? [8:55] What is an "interesting patient"? [11:43] Beyond an embellished story? [19:21] No family therapist [22:44] Recognizing our own limitations [27:30] Ending

17. Sept. 2024 - 30 min
episode #51 On Choosing an Analyst artwork
#51 On Choosing an Analyst

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts have a discussion on how to choose an analyst: where, when, how, etc. [00:27] Intro [03:50] Conflict of interest [04:17] Choosing an analyst inside or outside an Institute? [07:00] Seeing the analyst at a party [16:50] Incestuous dynamics [17:26] What about people who are not in training? [27:11] MDs, SWs, Analysts? [31:37] Ending

13. Aug. 2024 - 34 min
episode #50 On Using Psychoanalysis in an Institution artwork
#50 On Using Psychoanalysis in an Institution

Dear Listener, In this episode, your hosts continue to dwell into Grégoire's past at l'Ecole Expérimentale de Bonneuil. The main question will be: how to use psychoanalysis in an institution? [01:10] Intro [07:11] Relating [13:17] Institution éclatée [shattered institution] [19:26] Psychotic societies allergic to psychosis [20:55] How to treat people? [26:03] Working at night [28:43] The intensity of working with psychosis [36:22] How was it psychoanalysis? [40:10] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315

14. Mai 2024 - 52 min
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