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Fandom Science Podcast
Podcast von Lou Farah
Fandom science delivers the latest and most interesting sport science research to sports fans.
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25 FolgenEpisode #24 - The Best: How Elite Athletes Are Made | with Dr. Mark Williams
I am joined by Dr. Mark Williams - a professor at the University of Utah and author of the book "The Best: How Elite Athletes Are Made". In his book, Dr. Williams outlines a variety of factors that shape elite athletes and influence their development. Some of those influences we discussed on the podcast are: the environment in which athletes are born and develop, unorganized sports and their impact on skill development, early specializations and its advantages/disadvantages, and much more!
You can find Dr. Williams' book here: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1529304350?pf_rd_r=DCX639A125BW831CY9JB&pf_rd_p=05326fd5-c43e-4948-99b1-a65b129fdd73&pd_rd_r=240e6b85-a425-4436-85dc-9b41859b042c&pd_rd_w=KTqtD&pd_rd_wg=VWZHo&ref_=pd_gw_unk
01. März 2021 - 59 min
Episode #24 - The Best: How Elite Athletes Are Made
Episode #24 - The Best: How Elite Athletes Are Made by Lou Farah
01. März 2021 - 59 min
Episode #23 - The Psychology of Flow State with Matt Comand (MA)
Many of us have experienced “being in the zone”, where we are fully immersed in work and our productivity is maximized. The psychological state is known as “Flow”, and my guest today explains how flow works, what psychological/neurochemical mechanisms drive it, how we can achieve it and sustain it. All that and more with Matt Comand, a high performance coach and a former sport psychology professor.
11. Jan. 2021 - 59 min
Episode #22 - The Psychology of Passion with Dr. Robert Vallerand
What kinds of passion are there? Can it potentially be harmful? How can a coach create a passionate environment for their athletes? And how can we find passion in our own daily lives.
All that and more with the world’s leading expert on motivational processes, Dr. Robert Vallerand. He is a professor of psychology at the University of Quebec, and the director of the Research Laboratory on Social Behavior. Dr. Vallerand has authored numerous papers and books, including the following:
The psychology of passion: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0199777608/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_UuYUFbNJAJNRZ
Passion for Work: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/passion-for-work-9780190648626?cc=ca&lang=en&#
You can find Dr. Vallerand’s website at: https://www.lrcs.uqam.ca/en/home/
23. Nov. 2020 - 54 min
Episode #21 - Gene doping with Dr. Matthew Porteus
I am joined by Dr. Matthew Porteus from Stanford University and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to talk about what gene doping is and how it works, what kind of genes might be desirable for athletes to have, do we currently have the technology to do gene doping, and what challenges/dangers could gene doping have on an athlete’s health. Enjoy!
Follow me on Twitter @LouFarah and Instagram @Lou.Farah
30. Sept. 2020 - 54 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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