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Mayday: When James Le Mesurier fell to his death he left behind a tangle of truths and lies. 

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episode Mayday - The Evidence Gatherers artwork
Mayday - The Evidence Gatherers
In a secret location in a European city is an archive that contains over a million documents. It’s run by a tough-talking Canadian, Bill Wiley, who set up an evidence-gathering organisation funded by Western governments. Using undercover criminal investigators operating inside a war zone, the Commission for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA) has spent the last eight years extracting official documents from Syria. Wiley says that evidence will prove that the Assad regime has been responsible for a campaign of torture and murder against its own people. CIJA's documents are being used right now in a criminal case in the West to prosecute members of the Syrian regime. But there are those who would discredit the evidence and the people who gather it. These include a group of respected academics here in the UK who are accused of spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories about the war, twisting the narrative so that the Syrian regime becomes the victim and the British government bears responsibility for war crimes. It is a new kind of warfare being fought not on the ground but on the internet. Who will win? Writer, producer and presenter Chloe Hadjimatheou Editor Emma Rippon Researchers Orla O’Brien and Lara Al Gibaly Executive producer Maggie Latham Sound design and mix Neil Churchill Mark Fleischman played the role of Prof Paul McKeigue and the role of Ivan Commissioner for Radio 4 Richard Knight Correction: We stated that Feras Fayyad won an Oscar - instead his films were nominated on two occasions for an Oscar but did not win.
07. Apr. 2021 - 54 min
episode Intrigue: Mayday update artwork
Intrigue: Mayday update
The Evidence Gatherers, a new episode of Mayday coming soon, available from 6 April.
29. März 2021 - 1 min
episode Extra Episode: The Canister on the Bed artwork
Extra Episode: The Canister on the Bed
“The crime scene had been left unguarded for two weeks”. What really happened in the Douma massacre? This episode is a diversion from the story of the life and death of James Le Mesurier. It’s about one of the most contested events in the war - the chemical attack in the town of Douma in 2018. Unravelling what really happened there takes us to the heart of the global race to control the narrative of the Syrian war. Mayday tells the extraordinary real story of the man who organised the White Helmets – rescuers who film themselves pulling survivors from bombed out buildings in rebel-held areas of Syria – and investigates claims that, far from being heroes, they are part of a very elaborate hoax. James Le Mesurier – his detractors say – was a British secret agent, pulling the strings. So when his body was found by worshippers on their way to morning prayers, there were a lot questions. This episode contains a description of the aftermath of a chemical attack. This episode has been edited since original publication following a complaint. Produced, written and presented by Chloe Hadjimatheou Editor: Emma Rippon Researcher: Tom Wright Production Coordinator: Gemma Ashman Sound Design and Mixing by Neil Churchill With additional mixing by Graham Puddifoot and Gareth Jones Arabic translation and additional research: Vanessa Bowles, Abdul Kader Habak Turkish Researcher: Nevin Sungur Narrative Consultant: John Yorke Original music: Nick Mundy Final track Zamilou by Bu Kolthoum
20. Nov. 2020 - 36 min
episode Ep10: Mayday - The Second Casualty artwork
Ep10: Mayday - The Second Casualty
“They will be targeted for the rest of their lives.” Where does that leave everyone else? When James Le Mesurier fell to his death in Turkey in 2019 he left behind a tangle of truths and lies. Mayday tells the extraordinary real story of the man who organised the White Helmets – rescuers who film themselves pulling survivors from bombed out buildings in rebel-held areas of Syria – and investigates claims that, far from being heroes, they are part of a very elaborate hoax. James Le Mesurier – his detractors say – was a British secret agent, pulling the strings. So when his body was found by worshippers on their way to morning prayers, there were a lot questions. Produced, written and presented by: Chloe Hadjimatheou Editor: Emma Rippon Researcher: Tom Wright Mixed by: Neil Churchill Arabic translation and additional research: Vanessa Bowles, Abdul Kader Habak Turkish researcher: Nevin Sungur Narrative Consultant: John Yorke Original music: Nick Mundy and Bu Kolthoum Production Coordinator - Gemma Ashman REFERENCES “Statement by Amb.Nebenzia on addressing the issue of linkages between terrorism and organized crime” RussiaUN YouTube channel, 07 August 2020 “UK in Syria- Creating A Dystopian Shadow State Ft Vanessa Beeley on British Constitution Group” ICIT Digital Library, 02 May 2017 Vanessa Beeley Twitter posts @VanessaBeeley
09. Nov. 2020 - 33 min
episode Ep9: Mayday - The Boiling Frog artwork
Ep9: Mayday - The Boiling Frog
“My love it’s 10 times worse than we thought.” Things start to unravel. When James Le Mesurier fell to his death in Turkey in 2019 he left behind a tangle of truths and lies. Mayday tells the extraordinary real story of the man who organised the White Helmets – rescuers who film themselves pulling survivors from bombed out buildings in rebel-held areas of Syria – and investigates claims that, far from being heroes, they are part of a very elaborate hoax. James Le Mesurier – his detractors say – was a British secret agent, pulling the strings. So when his body was found by worshippers on their way to morning prayers, there were a lot questions. Produced, written and presented by: Chloe Hadjimatheou Editor: Emma Rippon Researcher: Tom Wright Mixed by: Neil Churchill Arabic translation and additional research: Vanessa Bowles, Abdul Kader Habak Turkish researcher: Nevin Sungur Narrative Consultant: John Yorke Original music: Nick Mundy and Bu Kolthoum Production Coordinator - Gemma Ashman REFERENCES Various Newspaper headlines Express Tribune Pakistan: Founder of Syrian 'White Helmets' found dead in Istanbul 12/11/2019 The Scotsman British army officer and founder of Syria volunteers found dead by Margaret Neighbour 11/11/2019 Daily Sabah, Istanbul Officials reveal White Helmets founder's cause of death 20/11/2019 “Entrevista exclusiva com James Le Mesurier no CIBE BRAZIL 2017 – Bombeiros” (“Exclusive interview with James Le Mesurier at CIBE BRAZIL 2017 – Firefighters”) CBMGO YouTube channel, 26 September 2017 “Is Le Mesurier an Epstein?” - Fault Lines, Sputnik International, 12 November 2019 Brandpunt - Witte helmen” (Focal point - Season 1 - White helmets) - KRO-NCRV, 08 Nov 2016. Reporter Piet de Blaauw
09. Nov. 2020 - 32 min

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