Lamarvelous - the podcast
Podcast von LKG
Daily motivation from thelamarvelous1 himself. Support this podcast:
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Alle Folgen
26 FolgenEveryone these days wants to be positive to the point where we ignore the negative, but I'm grateful for 2020 for showing us the negative can't be ignored, rather it has to be dealt with so that we can rise to our greatness. --- Support this podcast: []
Mental programming is sometimes as easy as simple repetitions. What we put into our minds will determine what comes out, so I would like today to be a good day. Let’s not let others program us, instead we program good things for ourselves! Let’s get it. --- Support this podcast: []
We have to program ourselves for victory even when things are at their worst. Let’s go!!!! Losing is not an option today! --- Support this podcast: []
As soon as you get confirmation of your job interview, listen to this podcast episode. Boost your chances to land the job program your mind to do so. --- Support this podcast: []
A light motivator. Sieze the day and get yours! --- Support this podcast: []
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