Lightning Octopus CephaloPodcast
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Lightning Octopus CephaloPodcast

Podcast von Lightning Octopus

centralizing, consolidating, and cataloging geek culture in arizona 

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episode Electric CephaloPodcast #11 – PUGS artwork
Electric CephaloPodcast #11 – PUGS
Kicking off Phoenix Comicon last week, the third annual Phoenix Ultimate Geek Smackdown (PUGS) occurred, pitting eight ultimate geeks against each other in a battle of wits…to the death. With our own Jonathan Simon helping coordinate the event along with Jeff Moriarty, and Andrea Beesely, we were able to record the quarter, semi, and final smackdowns for your enjoyment. We tapped into the existing sound system, which sounded fine at the venue, but came out…less than perfect for the podcast. So please forgive the quality, but enjoy the show. As a word of warning, this is a live recording of adults males who maintain the sense of humor of the average 13 year old. As a result, this podcast is PG-13 in every way. – Austin
10. Juni 2013 - 50 min
episode Electric CephaloPodcast #10 Phoenix Comicon artwork
Electric CephaloPodcast #10 Phoenix Comicon
#10 – Phoenix Comicon. It was awesome. So awesome, in fact, that you get two episodes: Austin went for the first time, and even dressed up. Chris became Wil Wheaton’s body double. And I  had a random conversation with Jewel Staite about boobs. Listen in as we share our different experiences. Our guest this week? An impromptu visit from my wife. -Jonathan The Walking Dead Board Game The retrun of Arrested Development Iconica Eric Torres Meet Darby The Wil Wheaton Experience The pic with “Adam Savage” @knight_cjg The Wils Red Shirts by John Scalzi Jonathan had a conversation with Jewel Stait about boobs! Jewel signing Jonathan’s shirt Machine of Death Where else can you see a conga line lead by a Dalek? The essance of comicon PUGS! Live Cephalopodcast? Meeting John Layman Debra could hear us recording! What did you enjoy the most from Comicon? Please leave us feedback. We’re begging you!
10. Juni 2013 - 1 h 0 min
episode Electric CephaloPodcast #9 – The Maker Twins artwork
Electric CephaloPodcast #9 – The Maker Twins
With this episode, we give you The Maker Twins – two brothers who spent their childhoods tearing things apart and now build the crazy things for a living. Pat & Mike Murray get to live their dream of  building elaborate machines, interactive displays, floating signs, truck mounted semi-automatic t-shirt launchers, and anything else people want. Their stories and creations are pretty captivating and we could have kept talking all night. Behold! Show Podcast Notes, Links, Etc. Surgeon simulator 3D Printing Meet Pat and Mike Murray Union Digital We like our fire extinguishers TED Talk – 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do Step 1: Nachos and beer at Zipps Waste Management Phoenix Open Sign Timelapse Red Bull creation challenge So you guys are the Phoenix Lights HeatSync Labs The Tech Shop in Chandler Phoenix Maker Fare Recreational Assault Vehicle Tucson Plane Bone Yard Dark Fury, you’ve never heard of it. Cartel Coffee Maker Twins 2013 Red Bull entry video Most people know Austin because of Cartel Apache Reclaimation
14. Mai 2013 - 1 h 9 min
episode Electric CephaloPodcast #8 – Krys VanSlyke artwork
Electric CephaloPodcast #8 – Krys VanSlyke
For this episode, we tricked a hilarious local musician named Krys VanSlyke into joining us and nerding out. We talk about Krys’ amazing VoiceMuze project, retro-gaming, Zapcon, the greatest Star Trek cliffhanger of all time, and all sorts of other stuff. Behold! Show Podcast Notes, Links, Etc.   My Little Lebowski Welcome Krys VanSlyke He’s no Tasha Yar Hipster Wesley What does Krys geek out about? Disney Geek Krys’ bad voice mail transcriptions songs Tea with Mike Tyson Frontispiece The Coffe Shop Everyone had trouble with Battle Toads That was really good English Killer Instinct Cammy, The GUILT!!! Your head a splode If you don’t throw the baby, you won’t win Cliffhanger!
30. Apr. 2013 - 1 h 6 min
episode Electric CephaloPodcast #7 – Jillian & Bry From Phoenix Comicon artwork
Electric CephaloPodcast #7 – Jillian & Bry From Phoenix Comicon
It was a blast having Bry & Jillian join us to talk about being part of the Phoenix Comicon, as well as their personal realms of nerdiness. Enjoy as the five of us discuss the upcoming Phoenix Comicon, as well as comicons past. They share some insights in putting the event together, including the best way to put a guest request on their radar and some lesser known things you can do while you’re there. Also, Bry goes down the rabbit hole of 80’s cartoon fandom, and Jillian opens up about growing up on a llama farm. Show Podcast Notes, Links, Etc. D&D Games at Gotham City Comics Wednesdays and Sundays – Phoenix Comicon! It’s really unfortunate for Hobbit cosplayers The Rebel Legion Wookie mashup costume “MUTATES INTO A SNAKE!” Bill Binder Ignight presentation on Transformers the Movie TMNT Daredevil Crossover The Ornery Llama Podcast John Barrowman is coming to Comicon! The new Wil Wheaton CosPlay How to make a guest reqeust for Comicon – PUGS!
16. Apr. 2013 - 1 h 16 min
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A Place to Love - Cherry Hill, Band 1 (Ungekürzte Lesung)
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Der Perser
9 1/2 perfekte Morde. Wenn Schuldige davonkommen – Ein Strafverteidiger deckt auf
Liebe, Zimt und Zucker
Die falsche Zeugin (ungekürzt)
New Chances: Roman (Green Valley Love 5)
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22 Bahnen
Windstärke 17
Mein Leben in deinem (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Herzklopfen nicht ausgeschlossen
New Horizons: Roman (Green Valley Love 4)
Die verstummte Frau (ungekürzt)
Bridgerton - Der Duke und ich (ungekürzt)
Der Kindersammler (ungekürzt)
Im Versteck (ungekürzt)
Bridgerton - In Liebe, Ihre Eloise (ungekürzt)
Dein Bild für immer
Die tausend Teile meines Herzens
New Beginnings: Roman (Green Valley Love 1)