Man In The Window: The Golden State Killer
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Man In The Window: The Golden State Killer

Podcast von Los Angeles Times | Wondery

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In Man in the Window, Paige St. John, a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter has uncovered never before revealed details about the man who would eventually become one of California's most deadly serial killers. From Wondery and the L.A. Times comes a new series that traces his path of devastation through his victims' eyes. 

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Introducing 'Foretold'
"Foretold" is the newest podcast from the L.A. Times, and we're sharing a preview of the first episode with you here today.  In the fall of 2019, reporter Faith E. Pinho received a tip from a woman named Paulina Stevens. Paulina claimed she had grown up in an insular Romani community in California, where she was raised to be a wife, mother and fortuneteller — until she decided to break away. That first call unraveled a story spanning multiple continents, hundreds of years, and complex metaphysical realities.   Follow "Foretold" to hear new episodes every Tuesday [].
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