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Morphin' Monday: Power Rangers Watch-Along
Podcast von The Illuminerdi
The Morphin' Mondays Power Rangers Watch-Along takes a look back at memorable
episodes of the series with former Power Rangers, villains, voice actors,
producers, and anyone else involved with the show. Follow along as they reflect
on the episode and tell stories from behind the scenes and in front of the
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2 FolgenEp. 2: The Poisy Show Watch-Along With Peter and Yoshi Sudarso
Morphin' Monday Power Rangers Watch - Along Episode 2: Peter and Yoshi Sudarso!
This week Peter and Yoshi Sudarso reflect back on their time on-screen and off-screen together in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 22: The POISY SHOW! They give insight into the episode and season from a unique perspective. The Sudarso Brothers share memories of their time on set, behind the scenes shooting stories, and walk us through the ADR.
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21. Sept. 2020 - 37 min
Ep. 1: POWER RANGERS Watch-Along With Jason David Frank: Morphin' Monday
Welcome to the debut episode of our new Morphin' Monday. The show is best enjoyed while watching the episode with us.
This week, Joe is joined by arguable the most legendary Ranger of all-time, Jason David Frank! Jason picked Power Rangers Zeo Episode 19: Challenges.
During this episode, JDF reflects back on his late brother Erik Frank and behind the scenes stories about some of the antics the Frank boys would get up to onset. JDF also opens up about his departure from the long-running series as well as things he wishes he can change. This is a pretty raw look at JDF as a person and a tribute to the late Erik Frank.
We Are Everywhere and We Are Nowhere. We Are The Illuminerdi
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15. Sept. 2020 - 1 h 27 min
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