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Multimedia-Programmierung - SoSe 2007
Podcast von Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hußmann
The lecture gives a systematic overview of techniques for multimedia with a special emphasis on the tool Adobe Flash and on software engineering aspects.
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Alle Folgen
9 FolgenFurther Approaches and Systematic Overview
Brief discussion of selected other approaches. Systematic overview of multimedia applications and development concepts (in form of patterns).
20. Dez. 2008 - 1 h 5 min
Frameworks for Multimedia Programming
Multimedia programming with Java: An overview of existing frameworks, with an emphasis on frameworks for the realisation of animation.
20. Dez. 2008 - 1 h 6 min
History of Multimedia Programming; Squeak and Smalltalk: An Alternative Vision
Historical roots of multimedia programming. An alternative vision of multimedia development: Squeak and Smalltalk. Educational applications of multimedia programming.
20. Dez. 2008 - 49 min
Agile Development and Extreme Programming for multimedia projects
Introduction to Agile Development and Extrem Programming. Applicability of agile development methods for multimedia projects.
20. Dez. 2008 - 1 h 22 min
Classical models of the software development process; Special aspects of multimedia development projects; Example: The SMART process
Particularities of multimedia projects when compared with other software development projects. Examples of multimedia development processes. Example: SMART process.
20. Dez. 2008 - 1 h 29 min
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