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Murphy's End - an Audiodrama
Podcast von Hindsight Podcasts
North Murphy High is just a normal high school in a normal town in middle America. Or… it was, right up until the end of the last school year, when, well… Surviving the apocalypse is hard enough, to begin with. So is getting through high school in one piece. Trying to do both at the same time? Ugh. Murphy’s End is a weekly peek into the lives of the last remaining survivors as told through the morning announcements at the local high school. Because between the ongoing food shortage, the roaming packs of mutants, and that one demon who has been hanging out by the water fountain since last June, well, there’s always something important to announce. It’s fine. It’s probably fine. Sigh… it’s going to be a long year. (Go Tomcats!)
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Alle Folgen
44 Folgen40 - June 15th - Locker Clean-out Day
Season One Finale!
Well, this is it, North Murphy High. It’s the last day of school for the year and that means, drumroll please.... It’s locker clean-out day!
What kind of trouble can the students get into in the last few hours before summer break starts?
Well… Maybe don’t ask.
Murphy’s End is a Hindsight Podcasts Production.
For more information, or to just come and say Hi, visit us at the links below:
Website: https://hindsightpodcasts.com/murphys-end/ [https://hindsightpodcasts.com/murphys-end/]
Twitter: @MurphysEnd or @HindsightPN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MurphysEndPodcast [https://www.facebook.com/MurphysEndPodcast]
Email: hindsightpodcasts@gmail.com [ hindsightpodcasts@gmail.com]
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NEW! Merch: https://society6.com/hindsightpn [https://society6.com/hindsightpn]
27. Juli 2021 - 27 min
39 - June 8th - The Betrayal
Bonnie’s killer has been found. Welcome to the aftermath.
Murphy’s End is a Hindsight Podcasts Production.
For more information, or to just come and say Hi, visit us at the links below:
Website: https://hindsightpodcasts.com/murphys-end/
Twitter: @MurphysEnd or @HindsightPN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MurphysEndPodcast
Email: hindsightpodcasts@gmail.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hindsightpodcasts
NEW! Merch: https://society6.com/hindsightpn [https://society6.com/hindsightpn]
20. Juli 2021 - 15 min
Announcement July 13th
Hey everyone,
It's Sara, the voice of Sammy.
We just wanted to let you know that we've hit a bit of a delay. So there will be no new episode this week, but we'll be back next week on Tuesday July 20th, with episode 39. And one week after that will be episode 40, aka the season one finale.
After the, we here at Hindsight Podcasts and the students of North Murphy High will all be going on summer break.
So, if you can't wait until next week, head on over to our Patreon [https://www.patreon.com/hindsightpodcasts] to catch up on what happened to the students of North Murphy High during winter and spring break and we'll see you back here next week!
Murphy’s End is a Hindsight Podcasts Production.
For more information, or to just come and say Hi, visit us at the links below:
Website: https://hindsightpodcasts.com/murphys-end/ [https://hindsightpodcasts.com/murphys-end/]
Twitter: @MurphysEnd or @HindsightPN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MurphysEndPodcast [https://www.facebook.com/MurphysEndPodcast]
Email: hindsightpodcasts@gmail.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hindsightpodcasts [https://www.patreon.com/hindsightpodcasts]
NEW! Merch: https://society6.com/hindsightpn [https://society6.com/hindsightpn]
13. Juli 2021 - 37 s
38 - June 1st - The Senior Prank
It has been a full year since the last senior prank...and the anniversary of the apocalypse.
And now the demon is up to something.
Great. Just great.
Murphy’s End is a Hindsight Podcasts Production.
For more information, or to just come and say Hi, visit us at the links below:
Website: https://hindsightpodcasts.com/murphys-end/
Twitter: @MurphysEnd or @HindsightPN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MurphysEndPodcast
Email: hindsightpodcasts@gmail.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hindsightpodcasts
NEW! Merch: https://society6.com/hindsightpn [https://society6.com/hindsightpn]
06. Juli 2021 - 19 min
37 - May 25th - The Blood Drive
They survived the attack. For now at least. But we’re going to need blood.
A lot of it.
...Preferably from multiple donors.
Murphy’s End is a Hindsight Podcasts Production.
For more information, or to just come and say Hi, visit us at the links below:
Website: https://hindsightpodcasts.com/murphys-end/ [https://hindsightpodcasts.com/murphys-end/]
Twitter: @MurphysEnd or @HindsightPN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MurphysEndPodcast [https://www.facebook.com/MurphysEndPodcast]
Email: hindsightpodcasts@gmail.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hindsightpodcasts [https://www.patreon.com/hindsightpodcasts]
NEW! Merch: https://society6.com/hindsightpn [https://society6.com/hindsightpn]
29. Juni 2021 - 17 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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